A Fine Selection of the Dankest Memes Around

Story time. Many years ago, I won concert tickets to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers in Santa Monica after calling a radio station as a joke. What began as a modest prank turned into the best day of my life, for RHCP was my absolute favorite band in the world. There was only problem. I was 14 years old and couldn’t drive. The concert venue was hundreds of miles away and my parents always forbade me from hitchhiking or talking to strangers, so I bought a train ticket. The morning of the long journey to Santa Monica, I had an hour to spare, so I went on the internet to do a little web surfing. I got so distracted by the hilarious memes I found that I barely noticed the time pass. When I suddenly realized I only had five minutes to get to the train station, I already knew I was too late. Still, I ran. I ran that day as I’d never run before. But it didn’t help. When I got to the station, I watched as my train bustled away into the distant horizon. The next morning, I heard my mom call to me from the living room. «Come look at the news!» She cried, a sense of urgency in her voice. The train I was supposed to take that day had been derailed by robbers and every passenger was being held hostage. But that’s not all. The venue that was hosting the concert exploded that very same night due to a freak fireworks accident. Memes saved my life that day. And that’s why you should always let yourself get distracted by dank and funny memes. You never know what could happen. 

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