A Massive Mess of Memes and Tweets With No Real Theme

The dangers of compulsive procrastination are just one of the many sad realities of being a 21st-century person with excruciating first-world problems, no matter how much you try to fight them. Although the majority of us can admit to being unhappy almost every day, it’s considered rude to whine about your troubles when, in comparison, you’re actually pretty damn fortunate. Unfortunately, we are unable to help you permanently overcome the urge to completely disregard the obligations and tasks that require your full attention. That said, we can provide you with some memes, tweets, and other senseless things that might serve to temporarily quell your desire to, well, completely f*ck off. The memes might not be the solution to all of life’s minor issues, and they definitely won’t make you feel permanently better. They won’t grant your colleagues the raises they deserve, or help your parents win the lottery. But they might put a smile on your face, and sometimes that’s enough. 

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