A Minivan Full of 32 Mommy Memes for Spicy Moms Who Need a Good Laugh

It’s the cutest thing in the world when your baby says their first word, but experienced moms know that this adorableness is a double-edged sword. While your baby sweetly calls for ‘mommy’, they’re brewing their first clap-backs, petty demands, and counterarguments. If they’re anything like their spicy mama, they’ve got a mouth that’s bred for sass and talking back, so buckle up, sweetie. 

When you first birthed your little angel, they could do no wrong, wobbling on chubby legs and getting baby food all over their cheeks. Although they never outgrow their charm, kids can be frustrating as they become the tiny humans we always dreamed of. Before you know it, your innocent little baby is telling you they need a ride to baseball practice, begging for a sleepover, and running you more ragged than you ever imagined. 

So for those of us moms who just need a break from all the attitude, here’s a healthy selection of mommy memes to chuckle about in your 20 minutes of free time…

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