A Myriad of Different Memes for Distractible Minds

Memes would never lie to you. They’d never cheat, steal, or stab you in the back like a no-good coward. Memes don’t make fake promises and profess their commitment to you just to turn around and ghost you. Memes don’t act like they think you’re the greatest, most attractive person they’ve ever met to your face and then talk sh*t behind your back. Memes would never bully you at school or pretend they did all the work on the group project after refusing to help at all. Memes would never gaslight you into thinking a prenup is a really bad idea, break your heart, and then take your prized Beanie Baby collection in the divorce. Memes are just funny pictures with jokes. Memes would never ever hurt you. The next time you notice a blaring red flag in someone’s behavior, ditch that fool and go look at some funny and mood-lifting memes instead. 

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