A Sharing Platter of Different Memes

For all us committed lurkers out there, meme viewing is often a very solitary process. It’s all about catering to our tastes (or our ability for outrage) and providing us and us alone with a distraction. 

However, memes get that whole lot better when we turn them into a sharing thing. If we see something that makes us chuckle and we can’t help but send it to the group chat, there is always the fear that we will be stoically left on read. Get it right, though, and we can enjoy the sweet, sweet feeling of social validation and even increase our bonds with people, too. 

Not everybody who memes is a loser, and as we know, there are many out there who can relate to the feelings they share. So go ahead, and pick some of the memes on this list to send along if any meet your standards. It might make your day the tiniest bit better.

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