An Amalgamation of Midweek Memes

We’re at that time of the week again. The bulk of the work week is over, the weekend is just on the horizon, and you’re officially over the hump. Whether you’re checking out the local honky tonk, sampling some grape and orange soda from an old okie smokey fountain, or going out and buying yourself a diamond-encrusted bolo tie, you never know what the magic of Thursday can bring. You know exactly what Natasha Lyonne meant when she said, «Thursday, what a concept.» 

Do you know what the wonder and possibilities of the mid to late week remind me of? Memes. Memes can transport you to so many different places. With the variety and diversity of memes in this world, it’s nice to take a second out of your day to take some of them in. Memes are a delectable treat for every day of the week, but something about Thursday memes just hit different. 

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