Manager scolds barista for rejecting customer’s advances, instructs her to tell him to come again if he wants to see her: ‘That encourages him to be even more creepy’

Being a young woman working in the service industry is all about being able to put up with a constant barrage of humiliation and abuse. Customers can literally say anything they want to you, and you’re expected to take it and have a good attitude. You have to have an incredibly chill and sweet demeanor, …
Seguir leyendo Manager scolds barista for rejecting customer’s advances, instructs her to tell him to come again if he wants to see her: ‘That encourages him to be even more creepy’

Service Industry Memes for Brave Bartenders and Sensational Servers

The moment you get your first service industry job, it feels like you’re inducted into a secret club, as you suddenly become privy to all the tips and tricks of the trade. It can be a demanding job, having to answer to pushy guests, manage endless rushes, and being on your feet all day can …
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Self-Centered Starbucks Customer Gets Roasted for Trauma Dumping About Husband at the Drive Thru

While the experience of working with customers is a varied one, most fall under one of two different categories. First there are those who are respectful, and then there are all the rest who overstep the mark. There are numerous different ways in which retail and hospitality workers experience audacity from those they serve. Sometimes, …
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Twitter Reacts to Ed Sheeran Promoting Album by Working as Barista in Starbucks

Ed Sheeran is one of those celebrities that is best described as ‘inoffensive’. He has received a fair amount of hate over the years, primarily for being ginger and a bit weird looking while releasing annoying music. This hasn’t stopped him having an extremely successful career, which he has apparently been busy with this year. …
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Greedy Landlord Thinks Tenants Should Tip Landlords Instead of Service Workers

We can all agree that of all the slimy jobs in the world, being a landlord is one of the slimiest. I would go as far as to say that it is a fake job. They act like they’re doing you such an excellent service by allowing you to live in their building when they …
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25 Memes for the Broke Servers/Baristas/Bartenders Who Have a Wild Amount of Jerk Customers to Deal With on a Daily Basis

The service industry is honestly one of the most difficult environments to survive in because generally speaking, people are stupid. Customers take everything personally, come in ten minutes before closing time, demand that the chef invents an entirely new dish for them (Seriously Sharon, just eat at home), and the money is kind of meh …
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Baristas Gripe About the Dumbest Things That Customers Get Mad At

All types of customer service are not for the faint of heart, but being a barista seems to be one of the tougher positions in this category. Wrangling the general public before they’ve fed their caffeine addiction and making a load of different coffee orders correctly feels like a lot for minimum wage. It can …
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Starbucks Barista Melts Down During Challenging Shift, Sparking Mixed Reactions

It comes as no surprise that many minimum wage jobs are hard work. Being run off your feet for not enough compensation can be a demoralizing struggle — especially when the horror that is the general public are involved. It’s fair to say that many who have worked in these kinds of positions have probably …
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Heartless Boss Sparks Outrage After Calling Job Applicants ‘Pay Chasers’

Most Americans are aware of the current labor shortage plaguing the nation. While some economists and business owners are claiming that it’s largely due to people not wanting to work, we think it has more to do with people not wanting to work for crap wages under crap conditions. Based on the sentiments of r/antiwork …
Seguir leyendo Heartless Boss Sparks Outrage After Calling Job Applicants ‘Pay Chasers’