25+ Bird Memes For Real Life Disney Princesses

I don’t know why my favorite Disney princess is Cinderella. All I know is that she got super lucky, went from rags to riches, and lived happily ever after. I also know that she was an expert at talking to the animals, much more than that Dr. Dolittle hack. She not only allowed mice to …
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30+ of the Best Animal Memes of the Week (January 13, 2024)

As much as I love animals, I definitely don’t want to be one. If I lived in the society depicted in the movie The Lobster, where single people had to turn into animals if they weren’t able to find love in an appropriate amount of time, I would do literally whatever it took not to …
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32 Warble-Worthy Birdwatcher Memes as Tantalizing as a Titmouse

Nobody ever said that birdwatching was cool, but birds themselves are pretty read. Tiny, evolved dinosaurs trapped in an adorably avian body? Sign me up. When you reach your 30’s, there’s a moment in everyone’s life when they’re walking through a natural park or wooded area, listening to the delightful tune of twirdling birds and flaps …
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The Best Animal Memes of the Week (December 30, 2023)

Bidepdalism is so overrated. Long gone are the days when humans can crawl around on all fours all day and not have a sore back after about five minutes. I know that walking on two legs is more advantageous evolutionarily, but I don’t really care! I would love to walk in someone else’s feet for …
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The Best Animal Memes of the Week (Christmas Edition) (December 23, 2023)

Christmas is only two days away, and you know what that means? We are singing The Twelve Days of Christmas until we cannot stand it anymore. Everyone knows that most of the presents endlessly listed in The Twelve Days of Christmas are birds. If I had to pick any of them to receive, I wouldn’t …
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25+ Animal Memes For Wildlife Enthusiasts (December 16, 2023)

If you’re a child of the 90s or the 2000s, you probably knew a kid who wanted to be a marine biologist when they grew up. Better yet, if you’re on this list of animal memes, you probably were that kid. What was up with that? Why did we all want to be that specific …
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The Best Animal Memes of the Week (December 2, 2023)

If I’m being honest, Russell from Up (2009) deserved far more than just a wilderness explorer badge for his adventures with Carl. That child was a friend to the elderly and the animal kingdom more than most of us could dream of being. He had the explorer’s spirit, and he did something about it. He …
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Bird Memes That Go «Tweet Tweet»

Y’all, I’ve got to admit something…I genuinely miss the little Twitter bird. Unlike many weaklings out there, literally nothing Elon Musk can do will make me quit the place formerly known as «the bird app.» It’s my app, and no amount of poorly thought-out design and policy choices can make me leave her. He could …
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The Best Animal Memes of the Week (November 25, 2023)

I recently saw a movie that was kind of about animals but kind of not. The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes is the newest installment in The Hunger Games series, and let me tell you, there were a lot of birds and snakes in this movie. Spoilers alert: I was obsessed with the scene of …
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The Best Animal Memes of the Week (November 18, 2023)

I’m going to be honest with you all…this is a very bug-heavy dump of animal memes, so if you’re afraid of the creepy crawlies, you can get out! Go over to dog or cat memes if you can’t handle the true freaks of the animal kingdom.  I feel two ways about bugs because, on one …
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