‘American nightlife is lame and tends to end in one’s 30s’: Grown-ups bemoan the loss of adult nightlife, claim it ended with with the boomers

Nowadays, we tend to think of nightlife as very youth-oriented. When I think of a club, I imagine a gaggle of spry 20-28-year-olds twisting the night away in a loud techno warehouse. But when I watch old movies or talk to my older relatives, they paint a different picture. Remember the days of big bands …
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34 Gen X Memes for 80’s Kids Raised on Hose Water (April 9, 2024)

Do you ever think about the house you grew up in?  Everyone thinks that growing up in the 80s meant that your bedroom was full of bright neon colors, see-through landline phones, and an infinite sneaker collection, but anyone from Gen X can tell you that our house looked more like Eric Foreman’s basement in …
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Nosy Karen scolds tech-savvy coworker for using Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V: ‘She watches my every move in hopes of catching me make a mistake so she can tattle’

We’ve all had one of those coworkers who’s always looking over your shoulder, waiting for you to screw up. I would understand this behavior if they were a supervisor or manager paid to ensure that the people working under them are not dilly-dallying, but that’s often not the case. More frequently, this is the doing …
Seguir leyendo Nosy Karen scolds tech-savvy coworker for using Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V: ‘She watches my every move in hopes of catching me make a mistake so she can tattle’

36 Gen X Memes for 80’s Kids Raised on Hose Water

What’s the most important thing we learned from Oregon Trail? Always pay the ferryman to cross the river, because you WILL lose a wheel and perish in the rapids. For Gen X, in life, that’s been our motto! With the wheels coming off the wagon of life, we’ve somehow made it through without ever getting …
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Wise Ol’ Boomer Shares 32 Gems of Wholesome Wisdom, Making Him Everyone’s Grandpa Now

Getting older makes you realize that your grouchy old neighbor growing up had every right to be cranky. With creaking bones, aching skin, a receding hairline, and perhaps a touch of memory loss, aging is a frustrating part of life that’s tough to manage with grace. However, there are a delightful few elegant elderly folks …
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25+ Wholesome Boomer Moments That Radiate Pure Joy

In the eternal words of everybody’s mother everywhere «If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.» I’m all about positivity these days. But try telling that to the good folks on Twitter. We live in a time of such conflict and turmoil that good, clean fun is hard to come …
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‘I have more money for my dogs’: Childless couples over 40 discuss if they regret not having kids

The decision to have kids or not is an incredibly personal one, but that doesn’t stop people from acting like it’s their business. Child-havers love to hound the happily childfree, pressuring them into making the same decision they did. What those people fail to realize (and this is a tough one), is that you never …
Seguir leyendo ‘I have more money for my dogs’: Childless couples over 40 discuss if they regret not having kids

‘No one wants to work’: Boomer small businessowner complains that they can’t find employees, pays $15 an hour with no benefits

You should always be suspicious of someone who says, «Nobody wants to work anymore.» If you’ve been around ambitious, motivated young professionals, you know that this is certainly not the case. Many people value working hard, and someone rarely wants to be unemployed for an indefinite amount of time out of laziness. Even people who …
Seguir leyendo ‘No one wants to work’: Boomer small businessowner complains that they can’t find employees, pays $15 an hour with no benefits

«Did boomers come home from college and face that?»: Gen Zers and millennials discuss the perils of the job market

It’s easy to feel disheartened with the job market when you’re struggling to get a job. People can tell you over and over again, «The economy is booming! Now is a great time to be looking for a job! You’re lucky you didn’t graduate during a recession!» but if you still have yet to secure …
Seguir leyendo «Did boomers come home from college and face that?»: Gen Zers and millennials discuss the perils of the job market

Teen Receives Absurd List of «Rules» On Her First Day of Work

Older people love to lecture teenagers about their laziness, but I think that couldn’t be further from the truth. Sure, there are always some bad apples who couldn’t care less about working hard at school, work, or extracurricular activities, but I would argue that more is expected of teens now than ever before. They have …
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