TikTokers Roast Rich Girl Who Posted Her Family in a Mansion Looking for the Last $20 During Their Easter Egg Hunt

Imagine participating in an Easter egg hunt with $20 or more in each egg… 

Callous Business Owner Sparks Outrage After Calling Job Applicants ‘Pay Chasers’

Most Americans are aware of the current labor shortage plaguing the nation. While some economists and business owners are claiming that it’s largely due to people not wanting to work, we think it has more to do with people not wanting to work for crap wages under crap conditions. Based on the sentiments of r/antiwork …
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20+ Times ‘Smart Devices’ Were Laughably Dumb

They say capitalism breeds innovation, but the need to spend extra time answering your smart dishwasher’s product survey in order for the thing to function hardly feels «innovative.» They say artificial intelligence is going to replace humans, but a pathetic little robot that needs a human to help it out of the snow doesn’t seem …
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People Explain How Being Poor is Actually Really Expensive

Being poor is expensive. The less money you have, the more you’re punished for it, it seems. Redditor u/Paratrooperkid made a post prompting r/antiwork to explain how being poor is actually expensive so they could relay the best points to their rich friends.The resulting thread is full of relatable examples, like overdraft fees, living in …
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Satisfying Times Workers Stood Up to Their Terrible Bosses

Everyone has their breaking point. There’s only so much BS you can take from a terrible boss before exploding into a confetti of expletives and insults you’ve been fantasizing about saying every day for months. Not all of us have the guts to stand up to our bosses (we still have to pay the bills …
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People Ponder What Ridiculous Luxuries They’d Have If They Were Stupid Rich

If youth is wasted on the young, then lots of money is definitely wasted on the super rich. Ugly mansions? Uglier NFTs? Vanity project space missions? Boring! Having all those billions clearly doesn’t buy you creativity.  ronically, the people who really know how to spend a lot of cash with pizzazz are the ones who …
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«Customers Suck, but it’s Exponentially Worse When It’s Your Boss:» TikTok Reveals Toxic Workplaces Within the Service Industry and Sparks Controversy

Imagine if Karen was your boss.

People Are Bewildered by TikToker’s Excessive Smart Home Gadgets

While I’m still sweeping my kitchen floor with a basic, dollar-store broom, some gadget-obsessed people out there are living in futuristic ‘smart homes’ where devices have their own devices. TikTok account @shopping666 advertises a vast array of absurdly specific household gadgets through a series of videos in which people demonstrate the usefulness of the products …
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Kafkaesque Posts From the Boring Dystopia We Call Earth

Life in the 21st century feels like a bad dark comedy no one would ever pay to see. Every new headline about some evil biotech company developing drugs that make prisoners feel like they’re serving 1,000 year sentences only further proves that the world is somesick jokeand we’re living in a boring dystopia. If you’re …
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20+ Black Friday Memes for Anyone Avoiding the Shopping Madness

Once again, it is Black Friday. A day where millions of Americans either spend the day hiding in their homes eating leftovers, or go wait in line outside of Best Buy at 5am so that they can be the first to buy an Xbox for $30 off. Whether you’re still in bed or waiting for …
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