The Best Animal Memes of the Week (May 25, 2024)

As a young cultural icon once said, «Animal crackers in my soup. Monkeys and rabbits loop the loop. Gosh, oh gee! but I have fun swallowing animals one by one.»  All I can say is, wow…what a freak. It’s not that I object to animal-shaped crackers on any moral ground. Quite the opposite, actually. My …
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The Best Animal Memes of the Week (May 11, 2024)

At some point, I’m sure we all wished we were born into the legendary Irwin Dynasty. Imagine being the heiress to the Australia Zoo throne, spending your days wearing fantastic two-piece khaki outfits with your awesome family. Sure, in order to live this life, you’d have to abandon the family you’ve grown up with and …
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30+ of the Best Animal Memes of the Week (January 13, 2024)

As much as I love animals, I definitely don’t want to be one. If I lived in the society depicted in the movie The Lobster, where single people had to turn into animals if they weren’t able to find love in an appropriate amount of time, I would do literally whatever it took not to …
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The Best Animal Memes of the Week (December 9, 2023)

I love real live animals, but I’d be lying if I said I don’t have some level of affection for crude recreations of gorillas, mice, and bears made through the art and science of animatronics. There are so many iconic animal animatronics that have both touched our lives and terrified us beyond belief. I’m talking …
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Capybara Comedy Chronicles – Internet’s Favorite Giant Rodents Coming For World Domination (18 Memes & Video)

Happy Sunday, capybara fan girls and boys! These adorable, innocent, and friendly creatures have stolen our hearts but that convinces us that they are the perfect animals to aim for world domination. Hear us out: with their irresistibly cute faces and their knack for getting along cuties from all over the animal kingdom, they could …
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Happy Wacky Capy Paddy: 18 Capytastic Pics And Memes Of Everyone’s Favorite Coconut Doggos

Hi everyone, and welcome to the Capybara Paddock, one of the world’s first wildlife sanctuaries for capybaras! Our story began when a forest rave accidentally left one of their giant ice tubs for beverages in the forest clearing, and later a friendly and affectionate family of capys decided to use it to have themselves a …
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This Week’s Silliest Skits to Watch Before They Ban TikTok (March 26, 2023)

So apparently TikTok is about to be banned and everybody’s up in arms about it. Not only is this app the best Chinese spyware ever, it’s also the top doom-scrolling, entertaining, time-suck ever made. Tiktok is the perfect place to waste time looking at silly things you never would have thought you’d be nose-laughing at. …
Seguir leyendo This Week’s Silliest Skits to Watch Before They Ban TikTok (March 26, 2023)

The Funniest Animal Memes of the Week (February 4, 2023)

Two days ago, one of the better animal-themed holidays took place. If you’re an animal lover, Thanksgiving can be a difficult time for you, but Groundhog Day is a bright light that is far too underrated. We don’t even get work off for the little guy! I know it’s kind of silly that we listen …
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Lions And Tigers And Animal Memes, Oh My!

The Wizard of Oz is widely regarded as one of the greatest movies of all time, and it’s easy to understand why. The original stories by L. Frank Baum have been a significant part of the cultural zeitgeist since the early 1900s. When MGM made the movie adaptation, they weren’t going to make anything less …
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Animal Memes That Go Beyond Cats & Dogs

I have a question for you. Do you like animals? If you answered yes, I have a second question for you. Do you like animals that aren’t just cats and dogs? If you answered yes to both of these questions, congratulations. You will probably enjoy the animal memes that lie before you.  Sometimes I think …
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