20+ Pairs Who Matched Each Other’s Freak, Getting More Niche as They Go

Once in a blue moon, a tweet comes around that activates every single fandom known to the internet. It’s usually a call so general, yet so compelling that it sends Stan Twitter running to their saved photo albums, searching for the perfect reply image of their chosen icon. It’s no small feat to get the …
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‘Cause baby, we were born to meme’: 21 Lana Del Rey Memes That’ll Make You Laugh in the Pouring Rain

Lana Del Rey recently revealed a 10-day U.S. tour this fall and fans are pumped, though bummed it’s so short. Her sad-girl/bad-girl vibes has garnered a very strong, dedicated, and unique fandom and they want to catch her live, even in the pouring rain. Her music combines d3pression and partying and it’s something very relatable …
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40 Well-Rounded Memes That Will Grab Your Attention

Happy Friday, meme advocates and web friends! You’ve finally made it to the final day of the week! To celebrate what felt like an extra long week, we’ve come up with a particularly awesome batch of memes. Let’s talk about the Internet. It’s a place of endless wonder and an incomprehensible amount of information. It’s …
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Met Gala Tweets For Everyone Who Forgot The Met Gala Was Last Night

Last night, stars from across the entertainment industry showed off their Karl Lagerfeld-inspired looks at the 2023 Met Gala. If you’ve been living under a rock and don’t know what the Met Gala is, it’s basically a huge red carpet with a specific theme every year where celebrities are expected to dress to the nines. …
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People Discuss Their Favorite Underrated Celebrity Look-Alikes

There are a lot of celebrity look-alikes that are well-established and highly documented. Everybody knows that Daniel Radcliffe and Elijah Wood look like brothers. There are ten million actresses who have Margot Robbie vibes, most notably Samara Weaving. However, there are a lot of celebrities who look like each other that we don’t tend to …
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Viral Tweets Expose Jennifer Lopez As The Rudest Celebrity of All Time

Tabloids will say anything about a celebrity to sell a magazine to women waiting in line at the grocery store. They’re not the most reliable sources regarding which star is rude and nasty. Luckily, we’re not in the mid-aughts anymore, and social media has provided a platform for real people to expose rude celebrities for …
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Welcome to the Niche Yet Booming World of Jamie Lee Curtis Memes

If you’d like to hop down a meme rabbit hole, then might we suggest the world of Jamie Lee Curtis memes? It’s a strange and niche world with inside jokes between internet friends, but it’s vast and strong. In fact, just recently due to Jamie Lee Curtis win at the SAG awards, her speech that …
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Doja Cat’s Red Swarovski Crystals-Paris Fashion Week Outfit Is Getting Hilariously Ragged on and Turned Into Memes via Twitter

Sometimes, high fashion says so much by saying so little. At least that’s what we always say when we don’t understand something. However, in Doja Cat’s cases, there is much to be said. What in tarnation is going on here? You don’t have to be into fashion to find out what Doja Cat wore to …
Seguir leyendo Doja Cat’s Red Swarovski Crystals-Paris Fashion Week Outfit Is Getting Hilariously Ragged on and Turned Into Memes via Twitter

Hilarious Tweets Expose Jennifer Lopez As The Rudest Celebrity of All Time

Tabloids will say anything about a celebrity to sell a magazine to women waiting in line at the grocery store. They’re not the most reliable sources regarding which star is rude and nasty. Luckily, we’re not in the mid-aughts anymore, and social media has provided a platform for real people to expose rude celebrities for …
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Memes That Might Be An Acquired Taste

Not all memes catch on right away. They can be like stinky french cheese at a viciously overpriced grocery store. You might smell one piece and initially think, «Wow, this smells like battery acid. What an unpleasant thing to put in my mouth or near my brain.» However, once you give it a taste, especially …
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