20+ Pairs Who Matched Each Other’s Freak, Getting More Niche as They Go

Once in a blue moon, a tweet comes around that activates every single fandom known to the internet. It’s usually a call so general, yet so compelling that it sends Stan Twitter running to their saved photo albums, searching for the perfect reply image of their chosen icon. It’s no small feat to get the Barbz, Swifties, Succession-heads, It’s Always Sunny Fans, BTS Army, Dance Moms obsessives, and 90s sitcom nostalgists all in the same conversation. 

But that happened recently when user @hugetulip sent out a call that was heard around the world: «Who are 2 people that actually did match each others freak?» The fandoms came rushing in with examples of pairs that took each other’s chaotic energy and said «yes, and.» It reminds us all of that special person in our lives who completely understands our brand of weird, and might even share it too. Scroll on for a list of some of the best ones, in order of niche-ness. 

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