Brutal Burns, Painful Self-Owns, & Funny Moments of Failure

Sometimes life is pure pain, but that doesn’t mean we can’t laugh. In fact, it’s often the only thing we can do in the face of rejection, humiliation, and total failure. When people post about their tragic Ls, we’re not laughing at them, we’re laughing with them. Because we’ve all been there. Lord knows I …
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Funny Moments From the Pornhub Comment Section

Watching porn on the internet isn’t exactly as socially acceptable as, say, watching YouTube. And you certainly can’t visit porn sites as casually as you’d visit your favorite subreddit. If you browse the comment section of a controversial PewDiePie video, few will question it. But if you’re like, «I went on Pornhub for the comments,» …
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Clever Comebacks From Quick-Witted Posters

It’s happened to us all.  You’re standing (or maybe sitting, crying) in the shower. The steam is relaxing you. As you lather up your hair, it suddenly occurs to you. No, not the meaning of life. But the perfect zinger that would have absolutely destroyed that asshole Chad in the accounting department of your office. …
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An Impressive Collection of Clever Quips And Quick Comebacks

Being able to express oneself in writing is no small feat. Some people write in a dry manner, only caring to get a point across, no fuss or flourish necessary. Others are more poetic, sprinkling descriptive words into their work to paint a more attractive picture (or, of course, to show off). But the witty …
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Guy Shares Book Of Comebacks Mom Gave Him When Being Bullied At School

Pretty much anyone who has ever lived has thought to themselves at one point or another that people can be real dicks. For all that we exist in a highly individualist society, there’s nothing that a significant minority enjoys more than picking on people who they mark out as different in some way.  This is …
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Mildly Infuriating Posts That Are Technically Not Wrong

It’s easy to be correct and even easier to be wrong. But it takes true talent and wit to be correct in the wrong way. The only kid I really remember from first grade was a magnificent smart-ass named Jimmy. He always had the most annoying kind of wrong right answer, which infuriated teachers. If …
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Brutal Times People Owned Themselves Just To Take People Down With Them

Self-owns are not just for insecure types or senseis of self-deprecation.. Sometimes kamikaze by words is the only way one can win a battle of insults. For internet rubberneckers who love to catch a good Twitter fight or Reddit thread squabble, we’ve got a handful of spicy times people roasted themselves just to take someone …
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Brutal Burns, Painful Self-Owns, and Funny Moments of Failure

Sometimes life is pure pain, but that doesn’t mean we can’t laugh. In fact, it’s often the only thing we can do in the face of rejection, humiliation, and total failure. When people post about their tragic Ls, we’re not laughing at them, we’re laughing with them. Because we’ve all been there. Lord knows I …
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Funny & Unexpected Moments From the Pornhub Comment Section

Watching porn on the internet isn’t exactly as socially acceptable as, say, watching YouTube. And you certainly can’t visit porn sites as casually as you’d visit your favorite subreddit. If you browse the comment section of a controversial PewDiePie video, few will question it. But if you’re like, «I went on Pornhub for the comments,» …
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Clever Comebacks From Quick-Witted People

It’s happened to us all.  You’re standing (or maybe sitting, crying) in the shower. The steam is relaxing you. As you lather up your hair, it suddenly occurs to you. No, not the meaning of life. But the perfect zinger that would have absolutely destroyed that asshole Chad in the accounting department of your office. …
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