The Funniest Programming Memes of the Week (November 27, 2022)

Being a relatively new programmer is like living in two completely different worlds. Non-programmers think you are the absolute dog’s meow. They act like you cured cancer, achieved world peace, and are worth 20 billion dollars. That kind of validation for choosing a well-paying career path can feel good, but it wears off soon enough …
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The Funniest Programming Memes of the Week (November 20, 2022)

Things are not looking good for the programmers at Twitter right now. If you haven’t followed Elon Musk’s reign of terror at Twitter, you should know that he’s been firing engineers and programmers left and right for apparently not working hard enough. So much of the team that maintains Twitter has left the company, and …
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The Funniest Programming Memes of the Week (November 6, 2022)

Have you all heard the drama regarding Elon Musk firing programmers at Twitter? It is honestly so stupid I couldn’t even believe what I was reading. For legal reasons, this is all alleged, but ALLEGEDLY, Elon Musk has ranked the programmers at Twitter based on the number of lines of code they wrote in the …
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The Funniest Programming Memes of the Week (October 23, 2022)

It’s IT meme time! I know what you’re wondering: Do you mean IT, the classic Stephen King novel and 2017/2019 films about clowning gone wrong? Absolutely not, you stupid baby! It’s IT time as in, the actually important IT, which stands for Information Technology.  Now I will be honest with y’all. I am not a …
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The Funniest Programming Memes of the Week (October 2, 2022)

Having a knack for computers is one of the most valuable skills someone can possess. Many people want to be programmers, but only a tiny elite group can actually pull it off successfully. A lot of wannabees think that since they changed their Tumblr theme with HTML in 2012 they can do this extremely difficult …
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The Funniest Programming Memes of the Week (September 11, 2022)

Good day, programmers. Today is Sunday, which hopefully means you’re only looking at programming memes and not doing any actual programming today. After all, it’s essential to have a healthy work-life balance. But I know as well as anyone that sometimes, work has to come before life. When you have something necessary and time-consuming to …
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The Funniest Programming Memes of the Week (August 14, 2022)

Being a relatively new programmer is like living in two completely different worlds. Non-programmers think you are the absolute dog’s meow. They act like you cured cancer, achieved world peace, and are worth 20 billion dollars. That kind of validation for choosing a well-paying career path can feel good, but it wears off soon enough …
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Programming Memes For Those Who Have Programmed a Program

Programming and memes have had a symbiotic relationship for years. Everything we see online is thanks to the work of programmers. You could not read this paragraph on your phone or computer if there were not somebody who had to code this first. It’s hard to imagine the enormity of the work programmers do, especially …
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Computer Science Memes For STEM Kings

I don’t know if this is said enough, so I’m just going to flat out say it; Being a programmer is a huge accomplishment. Sure, the general population praises those pursuing STEM fields during their high school and college years, but what about after they manifest their dreams of becoming programmers? Programmers and IT specialists …
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