Cursed Food Memes & Products From Deranged Minds

It seems like a couple of years ago, all of our friends were baking beautiful loaves of artisan bread and sharing their creations on Instagram. There was also that banana bread phase, the Beef Wellington phase (Thanks, New York Times). I don’t bake, but I posted my fair share of foodstagrams during the pandemic. But …
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Randomly Generated Memes that Make a Humorous Amount of Sense

Memes are hardly the most meticulous method that we have for expressing ourselves. There’s a good reason that they call it sh*tposting, and it’s not because the majority of it happens in the bathroom. Thanks to their easy access and huge popularity, there’s probably a meme out there for every single relatable or strange thought …
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Insomniac Shares Absurd Memes Created While Waiting for Sleeping Meds to Kick In

Looking at a lot of the memes that are out there today, you’d be forgiven for thinking that many of them were created while under the influence. While this is has to be true for some, not every image we see was constructed by a drunk person smearing pizza grease over their phone screen, or …
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A Curious Collection of Cursed Furby Memes, Tweets, and Tumblr Posts

Good ol’ nostalgia has a pretty big place on the internet. It may have something to do with the fact that the bulk of its most prolific users are aging millennials. Aging millennials who remember the highs and the horror of the nineties. Some of the most prevalent and cursed nostalgic memes have to do …
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Food Memes & Cursed Things For a Tasty Scroll Session

In this world, there isn’t much we can count on. Friends and family betray. So do partners. You can have the rug pulled right from underneath you at any time, especially at that toxic job. Life has very few constants, but we have to hold onto the ones we have. For us, that’s food. Whether …
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Chaotic Cat Memes That Are Both Silly And Sad

As internet culture gets ever more convoluted, it’s easy to pine for the simpler times of online entertainment. Case in point is the classic LOLCat, a benchmark for memes that we’ll always be thankful for changing the game. Their lust for cheeseburgers and grammatically incorrect witticisms is something that will stay with us forever, but …
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Decent Memes For Undiscerning Humor Appreciators

If you hate having a decent time sprinkled with light amounts of laughter and smiling, then you should quickly press the «back» arrow on your web browser. We’re here to share memes that are just okay, alongside ones that are straight up weird and deal with current events. So while this collection could be considered …
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The Best ‘Traumatized Mr. Incredible’ Memes for People Who Enjoy Cursed Humor

Most memes are pretty simple. There’s a plethora of different meme formats all basically expressing the same idea: good thing vs. bad thing. One popular version of this genre that’s been circulating lately features an image of Mr. Incredible looking pleased juxtaposed with a  desaturated and reverse toonified version of Mr. Incredible looking disturbed or …
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13 Cursed Viral TikToks That Will Have You Saying «What The…»

There may or may not be actual dark magic at play here—whatever is going on with these TikToks they’ll definitely have you confused, laughing, and unable to look away. A Starbucks barista who pours milk from the sky and spins away. A man who sounds like a fire alarm. Even a lem-onion! It’s a strange …
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50+ Memes For a Little Mental Break

Good day, internet users and perusers. While it’s no secret that life is mostly a painful experience, and that existence is largely futile, we still desire the opportunity to do what we want with that fleeting time. And work isn’t high on that list of stuff. So when the weekend starts feeling just a tiny …
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