20+ Daughter Memes for Funny Moms and Dads Raising a Little Fireball Princess

She might be little, but she is mighty. 

Mom refuses to take daughter’s good grades off the fridge, despite hurting less academic stepdaughter’s feelings: ‘If she gets a good grade we can put it on the fridge’

A big part of growing up is learning that life isn’t fair. There will always be someone better than you at something, and the quicker you accept that, the easier it will be to find what you will excel at. I went to school with so many brilliant and athletic kids, and there was comfort …
Seguir leyendo Mom refuses to take daughter’s good grades off the fridge, despite hurting less academic stepdaughter’s feelings: ‘If she gets a good grade we can put it on the fridge’

‘She said I had to use the name, her daughter deserved that’: Bereaved mother freaks out when adult son refuses to name his daughter after his late baby sister

Grief is a messy and complicated thing we all have to go through at some point. It’s rarely something that someone can get over in a matter of months or weeks. It’s a long and winding road, with low lows and the capacity for high highs.  While the maxim «there’s no wrong way to grieve» …
Seguir leyendo ‘She said I had to use the name, her daughter deserved that’: Bereaved mother freaks out when adult son refuses to name his daughter after his late baby sister

‘I am not the golden child, I just wasn’t a pain in the ***’: Delinquent daughter accuses kid sister of being favored, gets put in her place

I know all too well that sometimes siblings are treated differently for a good reason. It can sound cruel to give privileges to one of your children but not another, but when one kid has constantly abused privileges and cannot handle any level of responsibility, it’s no wonder that they’d be treated differently than a …
Seguir leyendo ‘I am not the golden child, I just wasn’t a pain in the ***’: Delinquent daughter accuses kid sister of being favored, gets put in her place

‘The baby getting lit up’: Devoted dad creates home nightclub for two daughters

It’s widely accepted that to be a good parent, you have to make sacrifices that you wouldn’t have when you were blissfully childfree. What they don’t tell you is that sometimes, you can just switch it up instead. While you might not be able to tear up the dancefloor in the club every weekend when …
Seguir leyendo ‘The baby getting lit up’: Devoted dad creates home nightclub for two daughters

‘That’s not wandering off, that’s sneaking away’: Mom abandons 13-year-old daughter at store for 2 hours, claims she accidentally put her phone on Do Not Disturb

When you’re a kid, getting left behind at the store is one of your worst fears. As a young child of the aughts, I thought that ‘No Child Left Behind’ was designed to ensure that kids wouldn’t get left behind at the grocery store or the shopping mall. Naturally, as kids grow older, that specific …
Seguir leyendo ‘That’s not wandering off, that’s sneaking away’: Mom abandons 13-year-old daughter at store for 2 hours, claims she accidentally put her phone on Do Not Disturb

20+ Daughter Memes for Parents Raising the Cutest Little Rage-Filled Princess

It’s not easy being a princess, but somebody has to do it…

The Best Relatable Daughter Memes for Mothers and Fathers Raising a Sassy Little Princess (January 26, 2024)

Do you have a daughter? If you do, we sure hope you’re fanning that sassy flame inside of her that all daughters are apparently born with. It’s a beautiful thing, terrifying, but beautiful. She’s your sassy little princess no matter how old she gets. She could be storming into her room as a teen, slamming …
Seguir leyendo The Best Relatable Daughter Memes for Mothers and Fathers Raising a Sassy Little Princess (January 26, 2024)

Uncle Calls His Brother’s 16-Year-Old Stepdaughter ‘Not Gorgeous’ After Calling His Niece ‘Gorgeous’

When you’re a kid, you notice every little nuance about how adults speak to you. If your parents, teachers, or relatives treat you differently from your siblings or your peers in any way, you will pick up on it and stew about it for a while. If your parents call you smart but they call …
Seguir leyendo Uncle Calls His Brother’s 16-Year-Old Stepdaughter ‘Not Gorgeous’ After Calling His Niece ‘Gorgeous’

20+ Daughter Memes for Funny Moms, Dads, and Their Little Fireball Princess (December 19, 2023)

Being the parent of a little girl is an entirely different game. If you don’t know, then you’re probably thinking, «oh, so lots of pinks and princesses and cutie little feminine stuff!» I mean, sure, there can be lots of that too. But the main thing about having a little girl is the SASS. Oh …
Seguir leyendo 20+ Daughter Memes for Funny Moms, Dads, and Their Little Fireball Princess (December 19, 2023)