25+ Workout Memes for People Avoiding The Gym (June 1, 2024)

Why do they call it «working out?» The work part makes sense. It feels like work, even though you’re not getting paid to do it. But where does the «out» come from? Where are we going? What are we doing? Why is everything so confusing? There are also so many terms for it– working out, …
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25+ Workout Memes for People Avoiding The Gym (May 25, 2024)

Some days, against all odds, your body begs to be moved. You can sail along without a workout routine for a long time, months (years even), but at some point, your body will cry out for attention. And then it’s an impulse you can’t ignore. For example, if you’re cooped up in an office all …
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25+ Workout Memes for People Avoiding The Gym (May 18, 2024)

We all know how good working out is for us, and how great it makes us feel afterward, and yet it’s so hard to form a habit. Are our bodies just so resistant to change that we have to trick ourselves every time? Or is it the secret self-sabotage part of ourselves that wants us to suffer because we think we’re …
Seguir leyendo 25+ Workout Memes for People Avoiding The Gym (May 18, 2024)

25+ Gym Memes for Maximum Gains (May 11, 2024)

Going to the gym is like going to therapy. You know it’s good for you, but you might dread it every time before it happens. When the time comes to go, you’d rather do anything else. But you know it’s going to make you feel good after.  But there are a few worthy tips and tricks to …
Seguir leyendo 25+ Gym Memes for Maximum Gains (May 11, 2024)

‘People who train to make sad head voice go away’: 25+ Exercise memes for fitness fiends

One of my favorite forms of exercise is walking. It’s practical, it’s fun, and you don’t need any special equipment to do it. If there’s an option for a subway or a car or a moderately long walk, odds are I’m taking the walk. It helps get me excited for whatever I’m on my way …
Seguir leyendo ‘People who train to make sad head voice go away’: 25+ Exercise memes for fitness fiends

Gen X Shares How They Went From YOLO to ‘Get Off My Lawn’

Groaning when you climb up a flight of stairs is the new norm. Remembering names has become more difficult, although to be fair, you were never particularly good at that anyway. And the music? This new stuff sounds like angry robots having a rave in a blender. Does this sound like you? Congrats, you’re getting …
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‘So you’re telling me 5.5 hours of labor doesn’t burn off a burrito’: Mom logs birth as workout on Strava, entertains internet

The category of ‘crazy things the human body can do’ has many entries to it, but few beat the sheer exertion that comes from being pregnant and giving birth. Growing a whole person and somehow popping it out of you is not a choice to be made by the weak, but millions per year put …
Seguir leyendo ‘So you’re telling me 5.5 hours of labor doesn’t burn off a burrito’: Mom logs birth as workout on Strava, entertains internet

‘How’s my form?’: 25+ Exercise memes for fitness fiends

Everyone has their preferred mode of exercise, and no one mode is superior to another. If you get your kicks by kickboxing, or if you get your reps in at the racetrack, or if you get sweaty the the soccer field (OK I’m all out of alliterations), all that matters is that you’re staying active …
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‘Random person at the gym calls you big man’: 25+ Exercise memes for fitness fiends

Can we talk for a moment about post-workout clarity? Not unlike another like of post-activity clarity, post-workout clarity is that feeling you get when you put down the weights, finish your last lap around the neighborhood, and call it a day on your sweat sesh. It’s one of the best feelings in the world. Not …
Seguir leyendo ‘Random person at the gym calls you big man’: 25+ Exercise memes for fitness fiends

25+ Exercise Memes for Fitness Fiends (March 30, 2024)

Working out is all fun and games until you actually feel like you’re going to die. Whenever I’m hitting a good workout, for the first 20 minutes I feel on top of the world. There’s a spring in my step, I’m glad I showed up, and I’m thinking about pushing myself a little harder. I …
Seguir leyendo 25+ Exercise Memes for Fitness Fiends (March 30, 2024)