Very Stupid People Who Had Very Fake ‘Accidents’

After the influx of weirdo Twitter moms claiming their children have written theses on politics, philosophy, and the greater good, one would think people would be a little more careful about lying on the internet. But. Then one would be dead wrong. There are apparently tons of people who are willing to lie about «accidents» …
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30+ Stark Reminders That Instagram is Not Reality

Ever scroll through Instagram for so long that your soul starts to fill with dread? You’re not alone. Facebook’s extensive internal research showed that Instagram makes body image issues worse for one in three teenage girls. In September, the Wall Street Journal reported on Facebook’s research and the data lays bare what we all knew …
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30 Stupid People Who Had Extremely Fake ‘Accidents’

After the influx of weirdo Twitter moms claiming their children have written theses on politics, you’d think people would be a little more careful about lying on the internet. But. You’d be wrong. There are apparently tons of people who arewilling to lieabout «accidents.» We’re not talking about lies about 2 year olds saying that …
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Gripping Scam Email Has People Applauding Its Creativity

Everybody thinks they’ll never fall for it, but the threat is always there: there’s no denying online scamming is a booming business. While most emails containing claims of webcam hacks or Nigerian princes easily fall into the junk folder, there’s always the occasional scheme that gets past the filters. Provided you don’t fall for them, …
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30+ Eye-Opening Reminders That Instagram is Not Reality

Ever scroll through Instagram for so long that your soul starts to fill with dread? You’re not alone. Facebook’s extensive internal research showed that Instagram makes body image issues worse for one in three teenage girls. In September, the Wall Street Journal reported on Facebook’s research and the data lays bare what we all knew …
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20+ Tryhard Posts That Desperately Want To Be Deep

Thanks to the internet, it’s never been harder to be a teenager — and boy, are they going to let us know about it. Whether it’s the exposure to one too many TikTok dances or a resentment towards being left on read, there’s something about the internet that seems to churn out wannabe youthful culture …
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Maddening Thread Uncovers How Much Of Our Everyday Lives Are A Scam

One of the most depressing things about growing up is that you learn how so much of life is about drawing the short straw. The world can be a pretty unfair place, and what’s worse is that many of these problems are hiding in plain sight. If you sit down and really think about it, …
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Completely True Stories That Sound Fabricated

Some stories that exist out there sound like they’re straight out of a movie. They can’t possibly be true, right? Not so – writer Aidan Moher tweeted out the other day asking people to share their most unbelievable true stories, and let us just say…the people delivered.

Completely True Stories That Sound Made-Up

Some stories that exist out there sound like they’re straight out of a movie. They can’t possibly be true, right? Not so – writer Aidan Moher tweeted out the other day asking people to share their most unbelievable true stories, and let us just say…the people delivered.

Outrageous Social Media Anecdotes That Are Hard To Believe

The thing about being online is that you can be whoever you want to be and say anything your cute little imagination conjures up. However, there are consequences to blatantly lying, like getting publicly called out by people who do a bit of research, or ending up on subreddit like r/thathappened. Sometimes the highly sus …
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