Funniest Cat Memes for Feline Fanatics (May 29, 2024)

There are few minor things that make you feel more powerful than when a cat chooses you for attention in a room full of people. Our feline friends are famously fickle, so to be given an acknowledgment that you are the best choice out of everyone there is nothing to be sniffed at. It might …
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Funniest Cat Memes for Feline Fanatics (May 22, 2024)

It’s times like this in the middle of the work week with a mounting to-do list that I especially envy the average life of a spoilt domesticated cat. Eat, sleep, get attention, complain for more food, then rinse and repeat—laziness doesn’t get better than that. Unfortunately, most of us people don’t have the privilege of …
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Funniest Cat Memes for Feline Fanatics (May 15, 2024)

The average cat is a very versatile being. They somehow manage to be a mammal, liquid, and bottomless pit for food all at once. Oh, and let’s not forget that they’re also a sponge for our affection, the court jester of every home they bless, and great fodder to make memes out of. Memes about …
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Funniest Cat Memes for Feline Fanatics (May 8, 2024)

Is there any creature on this earth that manages to simultaneously be as contemptuous and beloved as the domesticated cat? It’s no secret that our feline friends have a tendency to treat us as their personal servants, and in return, we lavish all the attention and money on them that we can muster. They’re basically …
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The Best Animal Memes of the Week (May 4, 2024)

In some ways, animals are the perfect subjects for memes. They can’t talk, but they can emote beautifully. One side eye from a little fluffy white dog can say so much with zero words. As humans, we want to project our own feelings, takes, and beliefs onto animals. That’s called anthropomorphism, and while it is …
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Funniest Cat Memes for Feline Fanatics (May 1, 2024)

It can sometimes seem like there aren’t many upsides to living in this particular timeline, but one of them is how easy it is to find a cat or several to share our lives with. Maybe they came from the shelter or maybe they just rocked up on your doorstep one day, and you rolled …
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Funniest Cat Memes for Feline Fanatics (April 24, 2024)

I’d wager that a decent amount of the world’s problems could be solved if everybody just had a friendly cat that always chose their lap to sit on in a room full of people. Allergies? Never heard of ‘em! There’s no shame in being a pick me for one of our feline friends because unlike …
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Funniest Cat Memes for Feline Fanatics (April 17, 2024)

While I also love dogs, I’m eternally grateful to have grown up in a cat person household. Call me biased, but I think it makes you cooler. Our family cat was so clingy she was almost dog-like, but she also taught me and my sister how to be around animals in a way that served …
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Funniest Cat Memes for Feline Fanatics (April 10, 2024)

On the increasingly fragmented internet that we use today, there are few things with the power to unite it. Often, those things are something negative, like a ridiculous Twitter main character, or Kate Middleton disappearance conspiracy theories.  However, there are some positives we can all get behind, too. One of the most obvious of these …
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Funniest Cat Memes for Feline Fanatics (April 3, 2024)

Cat memes are one of those broad subgenres where at this point, there probably is one for every single conceivable situation. Meme makers, sh*tposters, and devoted slaves to the feline cause have been putting them on the internet for so long that there is something for everyone out there (unless they’re a real dog person, …
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