Funniest Cat Memes for Feline Fanatics (May 29, 2024)

There are few minor things that make you feel more powerful than when a cat chooses you for attention in a room full of people. Our feline friends are famously fickle, so to be given an acknowledgment that you are the best choice out of everyone there is nothing to be sniffed at. It might just be because they know you are the soft touch who will give them the most treats, but still.

It’s one of those feelings you sometimes wish you could bottle up and keep for a time when you need cheering up. Unfortunately, we still lack the technology to do that, but we do have the next best thing in the form of cat memes. No matter what mood you’re in, if you’re a cat lover they can be guaranteed to put a smile on your face. Those kitties sure do have a good sense of humor.

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