35 Memes For One And For All

I know I might be beating a dead horse here, but memes really are for everybody. I feel like we have transcended the point in society where we expect old people not to be able to understand memes and their purpose. I promise that if you send an age-appropriate meme to anyone who is 70 …
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Tumble Through These 20+ Hilarious Tumblr Memes

Thank goodness the week is coming to an end, I could honestly do with a long restful weekend right about now. My plans for the weekend got me thinking, and so I pose a question to you all–what is a well-spent weekend in your books? When I was a teen, a fun weekend was one …
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30 Memes For 30 Nights

Dudes in the Old Testament are always having to do things for 40 days and 40 nights. Whether it’s Moses going up a mountain to hang out with God or Noah withstanding rain for all that time, it kind of seems like a bit much, no? Doing a task for 30 days and 30 nights …
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42 Memes To Recover From The Long Weekend

A federal holiday never tasted so good! Yesterday marked President’s Day, the last federal holiday until Memorial Day in May. That’s over three months without a governmentally encouraged day off from work, so I hope you all enjoyed it while it lasted. Even though it is bitter cold in much of the United States, that …
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35+ Memes For a Normal Tuesday Morning

Do any of you remember that store Tuesday Morning? I recently did some light Googling and found out that they have completely gone out of business after the events of 2020, and I think it’s a darn shame. I used to frequent a strip mall where the Tuesday Morning was the classiest offering (it was …
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30 Memes For Some Saturday Morning Fun

Happy Saturday morning, y’all! I’m sure some of you guys are sleeping late after a fun night out, scrolling through social media because you can’t fall back asleep, or procrastinating showering before an ill-planned brunch. As of late, I have been a little obsessed with Saturday morning chores, both in practice and theory. I finally …
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35+ Memes For a Fantastic Friday Jr

Happy Thursday, everybody! One of my best friends recently went through a Thursday-related travesty that I would love to share with y’all. My friend, let’s call her Janet, has a coworker who is also named Janet. One fateful Thursday, the coworker Janet came up to my friend and said, «Happy Friday Jr. Janet!» Not exactly …
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30+ Memes Willing to Get Corny

We live in a society that cannot decide how it feels about the subject of corniness. On the one hand, so many people get made fun of at school, in their friend groups, and in their families for being too corny and lame. On the other hand, TikTok and Instagram Reels are filled to the …
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30 Memes That Go On and On and On

We are living in the golden age of memes. I know it can be difficult to see that when every time you log on to Twitter or TikTok, all you see is people fighting with each other, but I promise we’re living in a great time in the history of memes. Around ten years ago, …
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30+ Memes For Malleable Minds

Did you know that the brain is an unbelievably elastic organ? It can change so much with minimal alterations of outside influences, changing someone’s whole personality at any time. You don’t have to be Phineas Gage (the guy who survived an iron bar going through his skull) for your brain to be irrevocably changed. It’s …
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