Tumble Through These 28 Funny Tumblr Memes

When I was a kid, my mom always made me believe that watching TV was not a form of rest, and if I truly wanted to rest I had to disconnect from any type of screen and do something ‘out in the real world’ … Things like reading a book or playing board games. And …
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Memes to Bring in the Long Part of the Long Weekend

It’s Sunday night, and you know what that usually entails: pacing around your house with a sense of dread for the days to come. You can’t even watch a movie or hang out with friends without contemplating the inevitable. It’s supposed to be a day of rest, and yet you spend half of it contemplating …
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Esoteric Memes For Big Brained Smarty Pants

Nobody can know everything. In fact, that’s one of the biggest problems with humans right now. We’re trying to teach robots who know nothing to know everything, and while many of them still know nothing, they will probably know more than we do in the near future. We always knew this was inevitable, but who …
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Memes to Shine a Light Upon

Lights always surround us. Maybe it’s because I live in NYC, and as we all know, the city never sleeps, but I’m rarely in total darkness. There are streetlights outside my window, and that’s the way I like it! I like that the light of the day shines into my bedroom, waking me up and …
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30 Memes That Really Went There

Edgy comedy is not for everybody. I’m not one of those people who’s going to pout and moan and call someone a «snowflake» if they dislike a joke that was intentionally crafted to be offensive. What would be the point of writing comedy or making memes if everyone liked every joke? We are all distinct …
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29 Memes For All Generations From Baby Boomers to Gen Alpha

We live in a generation-obsessed society. My parents are constantly trying to prove that they’re not baby boomers, and I never stop squashing Gen Z stereotypes by knowing what a VHS is. We’re so tied to these arbitrary categories based on our birth years that really didn’t exist until the 20th century. Generations mainly exist …
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29 Funny Memes And Tweets But Mostly Tweets

When will Twitter (which I refuse to call ‘X’ unless I am forced to) fall? It seemed like when Elon Musk bought Twitter, that was the beginning of the end, and in some ways, it was! Since his takeover, the bot problem he promised to fix has worsened exponentially. I don’t remember seeing sexual bots …
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Many Memes Making Their Way in the World

It isn’t easy being a meme just starting out. You don’t even ask to be born, and then tada! You’re a picture with humorous words, an incising tweet, or a funny photo with less funny and entirely unrelated words. You have no experience being a meme, and yet you’re expected to go out there and …
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The Funniest Tumblr Memes of the Week (April 30, 2024)

Some sides of the internet are better than others, that is simply a fact. The part of the internet you enjoy most depends on when you were born, what you liked to do when you were growing up, your favorite TV shows or books, and the people you surround yourself with. Some sides are more …
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34 Memes That Expand Your Sense of Humor

I truly believe that a sense of humor is the most important social skill somebody can have. The iconic director John Waters consistently espouses the idea that the only way to get someone who was once against you on your side is to make them laugh, and he is 100% correct. If you make someone …
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