Tumble Through These 28 Funny Tumblr Memes

When I was a kid, my mom always made me believe that watching TV was not a form of rest, and if I truly wanted to rest I had to disconnect from any type of screen and do something ‘out in the real world’ … Things like reading a book or playing board games. And although as an adult now, I don’t think being in front of a screen does not count as resting, I do feel grateful that she insisted that I find enjoyment in other forms of entertainment.

But to be honest, if she really wanted me to stop spending so much time on the internet, she should have stopped me from being on Tumblr, because that was where about 80% of my screen time would go, and a lot of that was late at night, so I definitely was not resting. But nothing beats a scroll through Tumblr’s finest memes at 5 am, while the sun is slowly rising and the birds are starting to wake up.

Some of those hilarious Tumblr memes are waiting down below, so scroll down to enjoy them. After you are done, click here for a funny collection of random memes.

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