Memes to Bring in the Long Part of the Long Weekend

It’s Sunday night, and you know what that usually entails: pacing around your house with a sense of dread for the days to come. You can’t even watch a movie or hang out with friends without contemplating the inevitable. It’s supposed to be a day of rest, and yet you spend half of it contemplating how much you hate your boss or wish you could live out the rest of your days on a desert island.

Luckily for you, that’s not what today is all about. If you are a lucky American like myself, you have a beautiful, blessed day off tomorrow! All those times you’ve fantasized about having a day between Saturday and Sunday are being materialized, and it feels so good. Sure, this weekend might be busy, but it’s your own time. If you feel like the good part of the weekend has just begun, these memes will make the last day the best day. 

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