30 Gym Memes for Maximum Gains (February 17, 2024)

Working out can mean many things. For some, it means hitting the gym and lifting weights. For others, it’s rocking up to a Pilates studio and taking a class. For others, it’s sweating out your sins on the dance floor. And for a very special breed of people, your workout quotient is satisfied by getting …
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30 Gym Memes for Maximum Gains (February 10, 2024)

What is it about lugging around big weights that makes our brains feel happy and our bodies grow large with strength? I guess biology we picked up from our old caveman habits. And you know what they say, old habits die hard. But cavemen didn’t have to go to special rooms with special, useless weights, …
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25+ Workout Memes for Maximum Gains (February 3, 2024)

Going to the gym every day can feel like Groundhog Day. You put on the same shoes, do the same workouts, at the same place, sipping the same Celsius. Of course, routine is important, especially for things like a workout regimen. You have to build habits in order to hold yourself accountable. But it can …
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28 Workout Memes for Maximum Gains (January 27, 2024)

I feel like we don’t talk about gym-timidation enough. That feeling of being scared to work out in front of others, for fear that they might judge you, your form, or think you’re stupid or something. This phenomenon happens to a lot of folks, and it keeps some from going to the gym at all. …
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26 Workout Memes for Newbies at the Gym Struggling to Keep Their New Year’s Resolutions

January 2nd is probably the busiest day of the year at the gym. Everyone’s just spent 3 months gorging themselves on holiday cookies, cocktails, and roast meats and we’re all frankly ashamed of the beastly human we’ve become. With only a few short winter months left where oversized coats and full-length leg wear are required, …
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30 Workout Memes for Maximum Gains (January 20, 2024)

Something essential to a good workout is a good workout playlist. The right song can take you from feeling like a soulless cog in a machine to feeling like the star of your very own action franchise. Classically good workout songs usually have an elevated tempo and lyrics that make you feel like a badass, …
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25+ Workout Memes for Maximum Gains (January 13, 2024)

Having a consistent workout routine does wonders for the body and mind. Getting to see your progress day in and day out makes it worthwhile to get out of bed even when you don’t want to. Noticing you can lift a little bit more than last time… that’s a feeling as good as one could …
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30+ Workout Memes for Maximum Gains (January 6, 2024)

You did it. You made it through the first week of the new year and you’re still going to the gym. Unless, of course, you’re only looking at this meme list aspirationally. Either way, it’s only uphill from here. Your gym buddies are motivating you, your protein powder is fueling you, and you know you …
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A Fridge-full of 38 Memes for Proudly Chubby Foodies Who Refuse to Diet in 2024

Mmmm… holiday food. We’ve survived Christmas family dinners and undoubtedly devoured the lion’s share of the leftovers that came our way. But this is why the holidays are every chubby person’s favorite time of the year. Admittedly, we should probably exercise a little more and eat fewer calories, but during the wintertime, we obviously can’t do any of …
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25+ Workout Memes for Maximum Gains (December 30, 2023)

If you’re anything like me, your holiday season was a parade of decadence that you’re feeling the effects of now. All those trays of freshly baked cookies, mom’s roast, and Christmas cocktails. Delicious, but not exactly feel-good food. So here comes the ideations of healthy eating and wellness routines. But that can all be safely …
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