45 Ancient Rome Memes For Dudes Still Thinking About The Roman Empire

Unlike so many boys, I do not think about the Roman Empire multiple times a week. However, I do think about Paul Giamatti’s character in the Oscar-nominated film The Holdovers at least once a week, if not more, and I don’t even want to know how many times per day Paul Hunham thinks about that …
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30+ History Memes That Educate as They Entertain

Call me a nerd, but history was always one of my favorite classes throughout school. Especially when I got to US History junior year of high school because I had an excellent teacher who really made me care about the subject. That’s all it takes to get someone interested in something: a good teacher. Consider …
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20+ Astronomy Memes For Lovers of the Stars

Looking up at the stars on a clear night is one of life’s simple pleasures, and most of us live in places where there is too much light pollution to do it. Damn you, industrialization. Nonetheless, that doesn’t stop many from having a fascination with all things outer space. We may not have definitive proof …
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An Illustration of 33 Classical Art Memes That Paint Funnies in a Portrait

Hey there, fellow meme enthusiasts, and welcome to a very special collection of memes. I am an art student, believe it or not, and I can honestly say that the more time goes on as I study art, the more I hate it. My rose-colored glasses have come off and I see the art community …
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Highly Evolved Exhibit of 35 Museum Memes for Natural History Nerds

It’s cold and rainy outside (maybe even snowing for some of y’all), which means we no longer can do the outdoorsy things we always love. How is a nature lover supposed to get their fix of nature puns, rock jokes, and flora n’ fauna? Well, the local Natural History Museum of course!  Museum lovers are …
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29 Philosophy Memes for Existentialists and Absurdists Alike

One of my favorite classes in high school was a course called Global Ethics. It was an intro course to everything philosophy and ethics, from Kant to Nietzsche and more. We would have the most interesting discussions and debates, getting into weedy issues with real-life ramifications. It was a good field of study for someone …
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25+ Medieval Memes For Knights in Shining Armor And Princesses Locked in Towers

I wish we had more insight into what people actually looked like during the Medieval era. I love the medieval films of Roger Cormac as much as anybody (The Masque of the Red Death was my favorite Halloween 2023 watch), but unfortunately, 1960s movies probably do not represent the Dark Ages uber accurately. We don’t …
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27 Strange and Silly Excerpts From the Depths of Wikipedia

Wikipedia is probably my favorite website of all time. It’s a wholesome, comprehensive, streamlined yet expansive resource for all the most and least useful information out there. You can study up on anything from ancient Roman history to Instagram Egg. To me, it’s the epitome of the internet’s purpose: millions of folks coming together to …
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Facts Redditors Were Taught in Grade School That Turned out to Be Utter Phooey

Information is ever-evolving. That’s why there are new editions of textbooks, up-to-date encyclopedias, and good folks working tirelessly to constantly update Wikipedia pages (I’m NOT looking at you, Wiki-vandals). We’re always learning new things, observing new phenomena, and doing new research. They used to teach that Pluto was a planet. I’m still salty about that …
Seguir leyendo Facts Redditors Were Taught in Grade School That Turned out to Be Utter Phooey

The Week’s Best Classical Art Memes for High Brow Chuckler (November 12, 2023)

One of my favorite pieces of art is Nighthawks by Edward Hopper, the 1942 painting of patrons at a diner on an empty city street. It’s beautifully moody and evocative, and you can imagine the subjects’ stories vividly, even though on the surface, so little information is given. I always like to imagine that the …
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