‘I proposed [and] here’s what I learned about B2B sales’: Linkedin lunatic uses a marriage proposal as a business lesson online, cringe ensues

Marriage proposals are usually deeply personal, cute, thoughtful, and ultimately a declaration of your love for your partner. Wouldn’t any girl would be elated if their LinkedIn Lunatic boyfriend decided to turn this intimate, loving moment into a lesson on B2B sales profitability online? Although it sounds like a total troll, this actually happened to …
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‘That’s a nighttime jump scare house’: Zillow house goes viral after revealing 9 life-size wax figures on display around the house

Welcome to this cozy 4 bedroom 3-and-a-half bathroom with dazzling mountain views, a walk-up pool, and several giant wax figures of female superheroes who come to life at night. Care to follow me to the dining room? 

25 Hilariously out of Pocket Comments From Around the Internet

Ah, the comments section. Simultaneously the playground and the trash heap of the internet. I will admit, I love looking at the comments on YouTube videos. They’re an insane mix of sincere, utter trolls, and Russian bots. A good comment, though, is the bread and butter of the internet. When someone can vocalize exactly what …
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The Cringiest Parenting Texts of the Week (September 5, 2023)

Every mom, dad, and batty old grandparent has a little crazy in ‘em, but these parents are next-level unhinged. As always, we’ve rounded up all the cringiest text message screenshots of parental figures being absolutely bananas. For those who grew up in a dysfunctional family—these receipts might be painfully relatable, but take solace in the …
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The Cringiest Parenting Texts of the Week (August 22, 2023)

Happy Tuesday, people with parents! This week, we’ve collected the absolute peak of unhinged parental texts for you. It’s not quite fun or funny, but for anyone with awful parents, this collection is a little too relatable. Not to dump on any individual reading this article, but I’m not in contact with either of my …
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The Cringiest Parenting Texts of the Week (August 15, 2023)

You know what they say about insane parents, can’t live with them, can’t live without them despite your best effort to rid them from your life. There’s no perfect parent-and-child relationship. Even the best families still have hiccups now and then. There are a lot of lucky people out there with some of the best, …
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The Most Insane Parenting Texts of the Week (July 26, 2023)

Not everybody has a super chill communication style with their family, and that’s okay! Some families express themselves by interrupting each other and yelling passionately. Other families might not always be super affirmative, but they communicate their love in other ways, like being present and doing acts of service. They might have a dry sense …
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‘Get off my property!’: Delusional Karen breaks into a military family’s garden, threatening to run them out of town to acquire their property; police remove her, justice ensues, and the family lives happily ever after in their forever home

Military kids can all agree that moving sucks. After packing up your belongings for the 15th time before you even hit 8 years of age, the whole process starts to become numbing and the idea of a forever home becomes more of a fantastical dream than a reality. However, for some army brats, their dreams …
Seguir leyendo ‘Get off my property!’: Delusional Karen breaks into a military family’s garden, threatening to run them out of town to acquire their property; police remove her, justice ensues, and the family lives happily ever after in their forever home

Questionable Posts From Parents Who Probably Shouldn’t Have Children

It never ceases to amaze me that basically anybody can have a kid. Millions of people around the world can have intercourse one time and create a life. That is nuts. I am not a eugenics supporter, but you’d think there would be more gatekeeping practices for people who don’t deserve to have a child.  …
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‘Facebook Marketplace Gone Wild’: 20+ Nightmarish Second Hand Deals That’ll Make You Question Your Neighbors

They say that anything can be sold, but is that really true? Reselling used equipment and goods online has become all the rage these days– like thrifting. Not only are you helping the environment by reducing landfill garbage, but you’re also turning your neighbor’s trash into your own personal treasure. But on Facebook Marketplace, folks …
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