30 Hilariously Chaotic Posts From Devious Dudes

Chaos abounds on the internet, but rarely is it good chaos. This happens to be a collection of good chaos. Usually, the internet is flooded with conflicting opinions and paradoxical information. It’s hard to know what’s true, what’s trolling, and what you should just ignore. But every now and then, someone leans into the inherent mess of the world, …
Seguir leyendo 30 Hilariously Chaotic Posts From Devious Dudes

‘Wouldn’t want to be dishonest’: Controlling micromanager tells employee he can’t put 10 minutes overtime on his timesheet, gets hit with malicious compliance

There are few places where we are more aware of the clock than in the workplace. It’s a strange limbo where two minutes can feel like an hour, and almost anyone who has ever had a job is guilty of waiting clockwatching until their shift comes to a merciful end. It’s not all about getting …
Seguir leyendo ‘Wouldn’t want to be dishonest’: Controlling micromanager tells employee he can’t put 10 minutes overtime on his timesheet, gets hit with malicious compliance

‘She stood there in her underwear for 40 minutes’: Casino fires employees during trial period to avoid paying their health insurance, mother-daughter team respond with malicious compliance

The probationary period has been used by bad employers as an excuse to screw over their employees for as long as working culture has been the cesspit that we know today. Many a manager has exhausted their encyclopedia of excuses simply to can somebody who the company doesn’t want there anymore. This is especially true …
Seguir leyendo ‘She stood there in her underwear for 40 minutes’: Casino fires employees during trial period to avoid paying their health insurance, mother-daughter team respond with malicious compliance

‘You have almost 100 applicants that met your minimum qualifications’: Pushy hiring manager insists recruitment agency send her all candidates, faces malicious compliance

Many of us have plenty of experience in how difficult it can be to be a job seeker, but far fewer of us realize what it feels like to be at the other end of the deal. Hiring somebody is a big responsibility to both the company and the job applicant, and you pay for …
Seguir leyendo ‘You have almost 100 applicants that met your minimum qualifications’: Pushy hiring manager insists recruitment agency send her all candidates, faces malicious compliance

‘It costs them double what I paid’: Library refuses to accept card payment for man’s late fine, he comes up with a clever plan to play the long game

This is a safe space for people to air out some of their petty revenge and malicious compliences, especially when it comes to the little guy refusing to surrender to big institutes that try to take advantage of them. We usually show our support to stories like these and give big virtual high-fives to people …
Seguir leyendo ‘It costs them double what I paid’: Library refuses to accept card payment for man’s late fine, he comes up with a clever plan to play the long game

’20 to 30 pointless emails daily’: Pushy micromanager insists on being included in all client communications, gets schooled with malicious compliance

Being a manager is a delicate balance of a lot of factors. You’ve got to be on friendly terms with those below you in the pecking order without losing your authority, and you’ve got to be informed of what is happening in your team without overstepping the mark. These are things that sadly, many bosses …
Seguir leyendo ’20 to 30 pointless emails daily’: Pushy micromanager insists on being included in all client communications, gets schooled with malicious compliance

‘No food for you!’: Clever Lunch Lady Settles Score With P.E Teacher That Forced Students To Run Cross Country on Hottest Day of The Year

One should carefully weigh all the elements involved before engaging in a fight or any kind of dispute. Put another way, it is essential that you study your rivals and determine the benefits and drawbacks of each strategy so that you can outwit and outmaneuver them before they know it. The story that unfolds is …
Seguir leyendo ‘No food for you!’: Clever Lunch Lady Settles Score With P.E Teacher That Forced Students To Run Cross Country on Hottest Day of The Year

‘It worked like a dream’: Incompetent boss tries to demote engineer after designing machine for $1 million order, gets hit with devious revenge

When you get a new job, the kind of boss you work with can really make or break the experience. Somebody who is competent and cares about the employee experience should be the bare minimum that we can expect, but sadly, not everybody gets that in the workplace. There are truly terrible individuals out there …
Seguir leyendo ‘It worked like a dream’: Incompetent boss tries to demote engineer after designing machine for $1 million order, gets hit with devious revenge

‘I told him that I could not drop him off’: Bus driver schools rude passenger with deserved malicious compliance

Public transport is an essential service for literally billions of people, but not everybody feels like they have to act with gratitude about this. We only have to experience the school bus or the subway to see some sights that probably shouldn’t be seen by anyone.  In particular, bus drivers can have it hard when …
Seguir leyendo ‘I told him that I could not drop him off’: Bus driver schools rude passenger with deserved malicious compliance

‘Whatever you say, miss’: Teacher sends student to principal’s office due to bathroom breaks that were ‘too short’, student complies by taking 30-minute bathroom breaks instead

Remember those times when you were a teenager and would talk to adult relatives and they would tell you «Appreciate this time of your life, I would do anything to go back to it», and you constantly think to yourself, what is so great about being in high school? Well, now as an adult, I …
Seguir leyendo ‘Whatever you say, miss’: Teacher sends student to principal’s office due to bathroom breaks that were ‘too short’, student complies by taking 30-minute bathroom breaks instead