28 Introvert Memes for Grateful Loners Happy to Stay in Their Lane (May 3, 2024)

I’m awkward–I say the wrong thing, do the wrong thing and manage to turn myself into the weird mute friend at every social gathering. While the homies parade around familiar acquaintances, I tend to follow two potential paths: Clam up or out-weird myself.  Could it be possible that introverts have a top-secret superpower that none …
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27 Memes That Won’t Let You Down

There’s a great Beatles song that goes «Don’t let me down.» A simple enough statement, but hard to do in practice. Sometimes expectations are hard to manage. For example, you can have a reservation at a restaurant all week that you’re so excited about. You’ve heard things, you’ve read reviews, you’ve been studying the menu. …
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A Carnival of Sideshow Attractions in Meme Form

If Memebase is a carnival, then the memes are the clowns, and I am your carnival barker, standing outside the tent yelling «Tickets to the meme show! We’ve got cat memes and gaming memes and all sorts of relatable content!» We’re here to entertain, after all.  The best kinds of carnivals are small, low-budget, local ones where you’re not quite sure if the ride on …
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31 Gen X Memes for 80’s Kids Raised on Hose Water (May 1, 2024)

What games did you play in your elementary school? Red Rover? Heads up, 7-Up? Freeze tag? Four Square? Wallball? As we got older, these games at recess became more and more nostalgic, making Gen Xers feel wanton for the days of yore when our knees didn’t crack, we could run for hours, and we always …
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27 Delightfully Twisted Memes to Laugh About With Your Therapist

It’s hard to open up about your emotions. For most normal humans, creating a wall around our psyche is the only surefire way to protect ourselves from the outside world. The higher the wall, the safer our hearts. Luckily for all of us damaged folks, we have our therapist to thank for destroying these carefully …
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A Sizzling Heap of Memes Right From the Griddle

If you’ve ever been to a diner where you can watch the line cooks work at the griddle, you know how fun it is to watch them work. It’s art mixed with science and a little bit of dance. They move with such speed and efficiency it’s astounding, cooking 6 eggs to medium-hard, 3 to …
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27 Memes to Put a Little Pep in Your Step

If you’re a person who runs for fun, I commend you. It’s a wonderful, useful sport that you can carry with you for a long time. You can run away from your enemies and look good while doing so. I’ve attempted running many times in my life, and for a while there it was fun. …
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35 Memes to Quell The Bad Feelings

Why do we spend so much time on the internet? It’s not because plucking away at Tumblr, Twitter, or Reddit makes us particularly smarter than we would’ve been if we had stared at a blank wall for an equivalent amount of time. I don’t buy the idea that we are just so addicted to technology …
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35 Memes That Don’t Come to Play

There’s a famous line from every reality competition show ever that goes «I didn’t come here to make friends.» It’s supposed to convey that you’re serious about whatever’s at stake, that you will stop at nothing for the prize, and that you’re not to be messed with. But to me, it just tells the audience that you’re a fun-hating Eeyore who is missing out on opportunities to make lifelong friendships! Everywhere you go …
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34 Memes for When You Need to Lock In

«Locking in» has become the favorite phrase of Gen Z-ers attempting to give something everything they’ve got. Made famous by LinkedIn Maniacs and Finance Bros, It’s surprisingly still useful for those of us who don’t have a 5-9 before their 9-5s. Locking in means you’re focused, efficient as heck, and ready to get things done at lightning speed. It’s a wonderful feeling. Knowing that you can churn out everything you need …
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