Tumble Down the Hill of Humor With These 28 Hilarious Memes

We are excited to have found a brief but enjoyable diversion that will surely help us relax after a demanding workday, as the workweek has already begun. So, since the wee hours of the morning, we have been scouring the vast web for some of the funniest memes. Having said that, scroll down to view some …
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27 Gen X Memes for 80s Kids Raised on Hose Water (May 30, 2024)

Childhood is all about living life with no worries. We didn’t realize it back then, but the slow afternoons listening to records in the living room while leafing through the pages of some old magazine were the best. Without phone notifications going off or the Internet breathing down our necks, growing up unplugged in the …
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A Mixtape of Memes to Play Over and Over Again

In Shakespeare’s time, they had sonnets, older generations had mixtapes, and now, we have meme lists. A bespoke arrangement of words, songs, or hilarious images, that helps you tell someone how you feel. You can pour your heart into it, letting each track speak volumes. When you’re not quite brave enough for words of your …
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Memes That Aren’t Here to Make Friends

These memes aren’t here to make friends; they’re here to be America’s Next Top Meme. All of these other memes in the competition think they can get to the top by being nice and popular amongst the other contestants, but they’ve got a big storm coming. The only thing that matters is what those judges …
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A Nostalgic Scrapbook of 70’s and 80’s Kodak Moments for a Trip Down Memory Lane (May 29, 2024)

Remember playing on the playgrounds as a kid? The seesaw would catapult you to outer space if your partner unexpectedly got off, the merry-go-round was known as the ‘arm breaker’, and don’t even get me started on the leg-searing capabilities of the metal slides. When we were kids, there was no safety protocol, only common sense. …
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Memes For Grieving the 3 Day Weekend

Well…it’s over. We had three days of freedom, and they have officially passed us by. If there’s one thing I know, it’s that the four-day week after a three-day weekend feels way longer than a regular five-day week. You’re constantly reminded about what has passed and what still lies before you, and your internal clock …
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30+ Memes to Transport You to a Different Dimension of Hilarity

If you’re anything like me (or perhaps most people by now), you’re fascinated with the idea of the multiverse. Shows like The Twilight Zone, Rick and Morty, and Wandavision have provided us with creative depictions of the scientific theory, and it’s sucked us in. It’s an endless field of possibility, quite literally.  «So you’re telling me, that in some alternate universe …
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Memes to Bring in the Long Part of the Long Weekend

It’s Sunday night, and you know what that usually entails: pacing around your house with a sense of dread for the days to come. You can’t even watch a movie or hang out with friends without contemplating the inevitable. It’s supposed to be a day of rest, and yet you spend half of it contemplating …
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39 Memes That Don’t Suffer Fools

The word «fool» holds so much weight, and yet we can’t quite agree on its meaning. In the Shakespearean sense, the Fool is a commoner who uses their wit to outsmart and get the better of those with a higher social standing. And thus we get the brilliantly enigmatic Isaac Asimov quote, «That, of course, is the great secret of the successful fool – …
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Esoteric Memes For Big Brained Smarty Pants

Nobody can know everything. In fact, that’s one of the biggest problems with humans right now. We’re trying to teach robots who know nothing to know everything, and while many of them still know nothing, they will probably know more than we do in the near future. We always knew this was inevitable, but who …
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