A Nostalgic Scrapbook of 70’s and 80’s Kodak Moments for a Trip Down Memory Lane (May 29, 2024)

Remember playing on the playgrounds as a kid? The seesaw would catapult you to outer space if your partner unexpectedly got off, the merry-go-round was known as the ‘arm breaker’, and don’t even get me started on the leg-searing capabilities of the metal slides. When we were kids, there was no safety protocol, only common sense. So when we got hurt on those law-suit-worthy playgrounds, we only had ourselves to blame. What a time, right? 

Perhaps that’s why we look back on the past with rose-colored glasses. Even though we watched our best bud dislocate their elbow while playing a particularly riotous game of Red Rover, we look fondly on our entire childhood because of how much fun it was! When we weren’t fending off injuries, we were climbing trees, digging holes, and riding our bikes over sketchy-looking ramps. Objectively, we had a blast in the 70s and 80s. 

So if you want to remember the good ol’ days as if it were yesterday, consider the photos below that’ll jog your memory on things you haven’t thought about in decades, like that tabletop arcade version of Pong at the Pizza Hut or the rainbow parachute we played with at recess.

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