Shady Personal Trainer Uses Apartment’s Shared Gym for Sessions, Residents Left Gymless

It seems like everyone’s an entrepreneur these days. The proliferation of influencer culture has given more folks than ever a chance to be their own boss, whether it’s creating content or running a small business. The increasing frustrations of the modern workplace have also driven many away from traditional jobs and towards gigs. It’s a …
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Teacher Assigns Passive-Aggressive Crossword Puzzle After Student is Absent For One Day

There are many different ways for educators and school administrators to prevent truancy. The most crucial step is to meet with parents to figure out why a kid is repeatedly absent from class. The child or the parent might have health issues that the school doesn’t know about, or they might discover that a teen …
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Uber Driver Preposterously Charges Fee For Waiting 0 Minutes

Uber etiquette can be a slippery issue. I’m always wondering how much I should talk, if it’s poor form to have headphones on, or if I should actually be sitting in the passenger seat. I’m pretty convinced that I’m fine on that last one, but the point stands. I suppose everyone is different, and you …
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Man Makes the Ultimate Dating Faux-Pas, Woman Sends a Biting Reply

Dating is difficult. There are so many unspoken rules that seemingly bind us, and it can be hard to know whether or not you’ve crossed a line. What are you supposed to wear? You want to look like you put in effort, but not so much effort that it’s embarrassing. What kind of place are …
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Roommate’s Drunk Snack Sets off Fire Alarm at 3AM

Having a roommate can be tough. Sharing a space with someone can bring out the worst in the both of you, even if you have the best intentions. I’ve been lucky enough to not have any real roommate horror stories, but I have plenty of friends who do, like leaving fish on the counter for …
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Stingy Friend Venmo Requests for a $1 Muffin

Splitting the check can be a nightmare. There’s always that one friend who wants to divide it evenly, even though Jessica got a porterhouse and Kyle got a side salad. Or heaven forbid you’re the person who offers to put your card down. Having to hunt people down to pay you back can not only …
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Redditors Condemn Infuriatingly Unrelatable Things That Rich People Say

Rich people: they’re just like us! Apart from the fact that they have access to an amount of money most of us can barely dream of, of course. While not all of those who are rich are horrible about it, they do have a tendency to be a little… out of touch. Problem is, most …
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Controlling Landlord Forces Tenant to do Laundry at The Same Time Every Week

I’m so lucky I’ve only had two landlords in my life, and they haven’t given me much grief. The first was a big, impersonal company that provided off-campus housing for students. The other is my current landlord, who sent over a guy with a can of Raid when we told him we had bugs. Neither …
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Generous Host Insulted After Unappreciative Guest Sends Venmo Request for Cheap Snack

Money can ruin relationships in about a million different ways. It’s that thing no one wants to talk about, and yet being transparent and openly discussing money could probably save people from so much awkwardness. When u/FixConstant8266 hosted a couple friends from out of town for a few nights, they showed everyone a great time. …
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High School Spends Thousands of Dollars of Grant Money on Locking Up Student’s Cell Phones For The Entire School Day

I went to high school in the age of smartphones. When I entered the 9th grade, I entered with a purple slide phone in my backpack. After the first three weeks of school, it became abundantly clear that I needed to get an iPhone as soon as possible; not because of the social stigma of …
Seguir leyendo High School Spends Thousands of Dollars of Grant Money on Locking Up Student’s Cell Phones For The Entire School Day