‘Good luck with that’: Parents try grounding adult son who’s been paying rent since he was 16

I have a bone to pick. Maybe this is because most of my life, I’ve been a freeloader who hasn’t had to pay my own rent (shoutout to 17 years of being a child), but I don’t understand when parents charge their children rent. If a person is under 18, there is no world where …
Seguir leyendo ‘Good luck with that’: Parents try grounding adult son who’s been paying rent since he was 16

Company rewards loyal employee’s 10 years of work with 20¢ raise: ‘Wow now you can afford that hot tub’

Raises are a touchy subject. We’re told it’s impolite to talk about salary, but that it’s also up to us to ask for what we deserve. So where does that leave us in terms of asking for a raise? I applaud those who bust down their boss’s doors, armed with numbers and data and a …
Seguir leyendo Company rewards loyal employee’s 10 years of work with 20¢ raise: ‘Wow now you can afford that hot tub’

‘They are just making up excuses to be lazy’: Restaurant delays paychecks for extreme weather, employee has biting response

«Oh I can’t, it’s raining» is a great excuse used by lazy people the world over. Sure, there are some instances in which rain does halt the activity you were planning to do. Outdoor sports… that’s understandable. A pleasant stroll in the park? Probably not so pleasant under a torrential downpour. Painting your fence? Yeah, …
Seguir leyendo ‘They are just making up excuses to be lazy’: Restaurant delays paychecks for extreme weather, employee has biting response

‘It costs them double what I paid’: Library refuses to accept card payment for man’s late fine, he comes up with a clever plan to play the long game

This is a safe space for people to air out some of their petty revenge and malicious compliences, especially when it comes to the little guy refusing to surrender to big institutes that try to take advantage of them. We usually show our support to stories like these and give big virtual high-fives to people …
Seguir leyendo ‘It costs them double what I paid’: Library refuses to accept card payment for man’s late fine, he comes up with a clever plan to play the long game

29-year-old tech worker making $400K annually working 20 hours a week complains about being bored: ‘If he quits, good luck finding half that amount’

So many rich people are clueless about how good they have it. From the way richies talk online, anyone making less than $100K a year must be slumming in extreme poverty that can never be rectified. I understand that living «comfortably» differs amongst classes, but anyone saying that making $300,000 a year in NYC is …
Seguir leyendo 29-year-old tech worker making $400K annually working 20 hours a week complains about being bored: ‘If he quits, good luck finding half that amount’

Husband spends $160k on baseball cards behind wife’s back, lawyers up when she asks for $80k back: ‘The cards are everywhere’

Financial infidelity is one of those common things that we’ve only just started learning how to talk about. When you have a joint account, you need to have a lot of discussions about how that account gets used, and just what you’re spending money on. Even if the relationship has a foundation of trust in …
Seguir leyendo Husband spends $160k on baseball cards behind wife’s back, lawyers up when she asks for $80k back: ‘The cards are everywhere’

‘There’s a financial literacy crisis happening’: Woman spends $30,000 of her ex-boyfriend’s money, he fails to notice for 3 years

Money is a difficult topic in many romantic relationships. If you get serious enough, you will inevitably have to get serious about finances too—and that can lead to a sticky situation if you ever break up. It’s a big part of the reason that many divorces are prolonged and painful. What isn’t often discussed is …
Seguir leyendo ‘There’s a financial literacy crisis happening’: Woman spends $30,000 of her ex-boyfriend’s money, he fails to notice for 3 years

‘He’s saying I’m making him look like a gold digger’: Insecure son flips out on mom after his rich girlfriend gives her thoughtful and expensive birthday gift

I feel like even the diehard childfree have to admit there can be a couple of benefits to having kids, and one of these is that they might grow up and get into a relationship with someone who winds up being a delightful addition to the family. In-law relationships can be notoriously difficult, but there …
Seguir leyendo ‘He’s saying I’m making him look like a gold digger’: Insecure son flips out on mom after his rich girlfriend gives her thoughtful and expensive birthday gift

‘You won’t be getting a $3.62 Venmo from me’: Twitter users examine levels of generosity in different income brackets

Stingy people are a pet peeve of mine. I’m not saying that everybody should stumble through life merrily giving up their life savings to any freeloader that comes along, but sometimes buying small things for friends and family is a nice thing to do! I hate owing money, but I hate miserliness more. Perhaps part …
Seguir leyendo ‘You won’t be getting a $3.62 Venmo from me’: Twitter users examine levels of generosity in different income brackets