30 Music Memes for Pumping up the Jam

If you start thinking of your life as a movie, then you can make some interesting choices about the soundtrack. A regular commute to work becomes an epic journey of the self when set to Led Zeppelin’s IV. A melancholy night in the apartment becomes artful and meaningful set to Elliot Smith. Walking the dog becomes an ad for …
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Nightmare production of Shrek the Musical horrifies ticket holders: ‘Shrek had hair’

Production design is so important to the theatrical experience. You can have the best singers, actors, and dancers in the biz, but if you put them in a goofy costume, the whole thing is going to feel goofy. Costumers, makeup artists, and set designers have some of the most crucial jobs in the biz. They’re …
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30+ Musical Memes For Theatre Kids And Theatre Adults

Theatre kids never seem to grow up. At least, that’s the reputation a lot of theatre adults have gotten, and it’s not entirely wrong. I myself am extremely guilty of telling people the number of times I did Seussical (I did it three times in 5 years, and I played The Cat in the Hat, …
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‘Mean Girls’ Movie Musical Trailer Calls Millennials Old And Inspires Copious Meme Fodder

Sometimes, you can look at a trailer and instantly know you’re in for a total stinker. Unfortunately, the upcoming Mean Girls remake, which is also a musical, is one of those movies. I have not seen the movie yet, but it was supposed to go straight to Paramount Plus, has a January release date, and …
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Musical Memes For Broadway-Bound Theatre Kids Who are Still Singing Along to ‘Newsies’

If you weren’t a theatre kid in the 2010s, you should envy everybody who was. In my opinion, that was the golden age of theatre kid fandom on Tumblr, and now that stinkers like Be More Chill are no longer in style, the world is so much worse for it. Teens were obsessed with angsty …
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30+ Musical Theatre Memes For Theatre Kids Who Can’t Stop Belting Hamilton, Little Shop of Horrors, and Falsettos

One of the biggest money-makers from NYC tourism is Broadway musicals, and I understand why!  No city in the United States has a better selection of incredible theatre playing at any given time. I was a theatre kid when I lived in Texas, but I was never one of those people who wanted to see …
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Music Memes For People Who Play Musical Instruments

Everyone likes music, right? I am known to roll my eyes at people who list «music» as one of their interests. All I can think when someone says music is their favorite thing is, «yeah bro, everyone likes music.» However, some people like music a lot more than others. I’m talking about the CD-heads working …
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Theatre Kid Memes For Attention-Seeking Musical Lovers

If you are or ever were a theatre kid, welcome. You are in a safe space where nobody can call you cringe, even if you are. This probably comes as no surprise, but I was a born and bred theatre kid. I don’t think I listened to music that wasn’t from musicals until I was …
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Music Memes For Musical Instrument Players

Everyone likes music, right? I am known to roll my eyes at people who list «music» as one of their interests. All I can think when someone says music is their favorite thing is, «yeah bro, everyone likes music.» However, some people like music a lot more than others. I’m talking about the CD-heads working …
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Musical Memes For Proud Theatre Kids

One of the biggest money-makers from NYC tourism is Broadway musicals, and I understand why!  No city in the United States has a better selection of incredible theatre playing at any given time. I was a theatre kid when I lived in Texas, but I was never one of those people who wanted to see …
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