‘You know who’s gonna suffer here? This poor kid’: New parents resolve to call their baby 2 different names after name argument stalemate

What’s in a name? A lot, it turns out. Names carry so much baggage with them and it’s on the parents to anticipate that ahead of time. Because your baby isn’t going to be a baby forever. One day, they’ll be an adult, and walk into a job interview with that dumb name you gave …
Seguir leyendo ‘You know who’s gonna suffer here? This poor kid’: New parents resolve to call their baby 2 different names after name argument stalemate

Self-indulgent parents name daughter Pennsylvania, flip out when she changes it and keeps it a secret for 5 years: ‘My parents insisted that everybody was to call me by my full name’

Choosing your child’s name is one of the first major responsibilities that you have as a parent. While other decisions that you make may have more of an impact on how they develop as a person, it can’t be forgotten that they will have to sit with whatever collection of letters you most enjoyed when …
Seguir leyendo Self-indulgent parents name daughter Pennsylvania, flip out when she changes it and keeps it a secret for 5 years: ‘My parents insisted that everybody was to call me by my full name’

New mom’s baby name tribute to ‘Nana Lottie’ goes horribly, hilariously wrong: ‘To say the family lost their minds would be an understatement’

Naming a baby is a tough job. It’s a decision that will stay with them for the rest of their lives, whether they like it or not. But it’s hard to make a decision when you haven’t gotten to know them yet. You don’t know what their personality is, what they’re going to look like, …
Seguir leyendo New mom’s baby name tribute to ‘Nana Lottie’ goes horribly, hilariously wrong: ‘To say the family lost their minds would be an understatement’

‘I don’t want a different last name than our kids’: Ex-husband insists ex-wife change her last name because it makes his 24-year-old fiancée uncomfortable

I have no idea how I’d feel if I changed my last name. My full name has such a great ring; I couldn’t imagine wanting to change it to something else. But if I was in love and didn’t want to go to the hyphenated side of town, I might do it to have the …
Seguir leyendo ‘I don’t want a different last name than our kids’: Ex-husband insists ex-wife change her last name because it makes his 24-year-old fiancée uncomfortable

‘It sounds more like a furniture brand’: Mom-to-be faces pushback for rejecting husband’s absurd baby name

As a parent, one of your earliest and most important responsibilities towards your child is giving them a suitable name. For countless kids, one of their first grudges toward their elders comes from the moniker they received when they were too young to have a say in the matter. It’s a process that no mom …
Seguir leyendo ‘It sounds more like a furniture brand’: Mom-to-be faces pushback for rejecting husband’s absurd baby name

‘Sigurd Felix Wolfgang Atreides goes hard’: Mom shares the craziest baby names from her pregnancy Facebook group

It is a truth universally acknowledged that many weird baby names are circulating right now. I know that it can be old hat to make fun of baby names that are spelled strangely or are just nouns, but I can’t help it. I genuinely do not see the point of naming your kid something absurdly …
Seguir leyendo ‘Sigurd Felix Wolfgang Atreides goes hard’: Mom shares the craziest baby names from her pregnancy Facebook group

‘I think both are just trying to overpower the other one at this point’: Wife wants to name daughter ‘hippy name,’ is shut down by traditionalist husband

Names are incredibly important. They’re your first impression of someone- the first thing they’re going to associate with you. We all have associations with names, good and bad. For example, I could never trust someone named Bridget, but I have good things to say about every Gloria I’ve ever known. Johns are extremely hit or …
Seguir leyendo ‘I think both are just trying to overpower the other one at this point’: Wife wants to name daughter ‘hippy name,’ is shut down by traditionalist husband

Dude Refuses To Tell Woman His Real Name, Doesn’t Understand Why She Rejects Him

There are several important questions you should ask somebody before you go on a first date. You want to suss out a potential partner’s hobbies, values, and career before deciding to spend a precious hour or two with them. In my humble opinion, the most important question of all is, «What is your name?» If …
Seguir leyendo Dude Refuses To Tell Woman His Real Name, Doesn’t Understand Why She Rejects Him

Nerdy Parents Name Their Daughter After ‘Konan’ From Naruto, Gets Eviscerated By Family

It’s no secret that Millennials are known to name their kids weirder things than Gen Xers and Baby Boomers before them. I have close family friends who named their daughter «Kaylyn» instead of «Kaitlyn» because they didn’t think a CEO would be named «Kaitlyn.» They might’ve been onto something there. For all intents and purposes, …
Seguir leyendo Nerdy Parents Name Their Daughter After ‘Konan’ From Naruto, Gets Eviscerated By Family

Clout-Chasing TikToker Astounds Internet by Getting Boyfriend’s Name Tattooed on Forehead

While every tattooist has different professional boundaries, there are a few things that many decent artists agree on. They don’t like doing anything too small that will eventually turn into a blurry mess, and they will refuse to tattoo the name of a significant other. The bleak fact is that a lot of relationships don’t …
Seguir leyendo Clout-Chasing TikToker Astounds Internet by Getting Boyfriend’s Name Tattooed on Forehead