‘This is how fossils are made’: Adventurous dudes mess around in a bog, split opinion of the internet

Much as I love city living and being addicted to screens, nothing compares to switching off and getting out in nature. Taking a few gulps of fresh air and laying your eyes on some of the beautiful scenery that the Earth has grown all by herself is a truly unparalleled feeling. That being said, camping, …
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‘For a mere $48, I can send my enemies a cream that has them attacked by spiders’: Sephora customers claim lotion is irresistible to spiders, entertains the internet

I think that a lot of people underestimate how crazy the beauty industry is. They will throw almost any random ingredient at the wall of the moisturizer-buying public just to see what sticks. This frequently isn’t a good thing — women used to paint their faces with lead makeup, for God’s sake. However, it does …
Seguir leyendo ‘For a mere $48, I can send my enemies a cream that has them attacked by spiders’: Sephora customers claim lotion is irresistible to spiders, entertains the internet

30 Cottage Core Memes For 30-Year-Olds Dying to Escape to a Remote Cabin in the Woods

I understand the appeal of the cottage-core fantasy. In a world where we feel so surveilled at all times and there’s a lot of pressure to paint a perfect picture of yourself on social media, the appeal of disappearing from society is mighty tempting. We all had a test run of disappearing from society a …
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‘There is a species of turtle that can breathe through its butt’: 30+ Suspicious Random Facts We Don’t Want the Backstory For

A lot of the knowledge the human race has acquired to date has come about by strange and/or unethical means. More often than not it’s probably a good thing that we know it, but it’s also a stark reminder that not all discoveries are going to be as cutesy and elementary textbook ready as Isaac …
Seguir leyendo ‘There is a species of turtle that can breathe through its butt’: 30+ Suspicious Random Facts We Don’t Want the Backstory For

Highly Evolved Exhibit of 35 Museum Memes for Natural History Nerds

It’s cold and rainy outside (maybe even snowing for some of y’all), which means we no longer can do the outdoorsy things we always love. How is a nature lover supposed to get their fix of nature puns, rock jokes, and flora n’ fauna? Well, the local Natural History Museum of course!  Museum lovers are …
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Orphan Beaver Builds Stuffed Animal Dam, Inspires Bewilderment on Twitter

Animals hold infinite secrets and wonder. That’s why we have a whole section of Cheezburger dedicated to their antics. Their minds hold the ancient wisdom of their species, and they are unencumbered by modernity, unlike humans. They each have their roles to play. Bees make honey, lions stalk prey, and beavers are gonna build dams, apparently no …
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Plant Memes for Nature-Loving Gardeners and Outdoorsy Types

There’s no greater joy than seeing life grow and blossom before your very eyes. When you’re a kid, you might grow a tomato plant in your backyard or watch a green stem sprout from a dirt-filled styrofoam cup. Whether you create this life with your own hands or with the help of your parents or …
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30+ Totally Normal Memes That Won’t Ruin The Vibes At All

A person’s choice of memes reveals a lot about them when shared with others. It’s a window into their personality, whether they’re reflective and pensive, embracing mainstream humor, or showcasing a forward-thinking comedic brilliance through the memes that adorn their Instagram stories. Whether you acknowledge it or not, your selection of memes carries significance. Matching …
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40 Part-Sun Memes for Plant People to Propagate in the Window Sill

Every time life is spiraling out of control, plant people can’t help but buy another plant. With hundreds of plants in their collection at this point, what’s one more? Although, at what point does a gardening hobby turn into an obsession?  As someone who’s named all of their plant and given them little name tags …
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Terrifying Facts Enough to Make Anybody Lose Sleep At Night

In my opinion, the craziest thing about believing the most outlandish conspiracy theories is that what can be experienced in scientifically provable reality is wild enough. Reality can be terrifying, and I don’t just mean that in a spending 60+ years in an unstable and depressing job market kind of way. The realities of this …
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