28 Childhood Nostalgia Memes to Guzzle Straight Outta the Hose

Half days, no phones, drinking from the hose, and running home before the street lights came on– that’s what childhood was all about. We would play games outside with our friends, climb a tree, dig a hole, and put human clothes on the dog to stave away the boredom, but when Mom gave in and …
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20+ Retro Toy Memes That Will Have You Laughing with Your Inner Child

Psychologist, therapist, and whatever other doctors are always blaming the parents and bla bla bla for people’s adult anxiety. But maybe the should turn their sights to the kids toy industry. Back in the day, a key component to some of the most popular kids toys was stress and anxiety. Games like «Operation,» «Hungry Hungry …
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Millennial Memes That Marvelously Describe What It’s Like Being 30

Being a millennial is a pleasure. According to every other generation, we’re the punching bag of civilization, we’re our parents personal IT team, and we’re the weird ‘middle child’ of society. But fortunately, we are also a generation that grew up on flip phones, Lunchables, and Internet memes. Maybe being in your 30’s ain’t all …
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‘Awww, here it goes:’ 20+ Nostalgic Nostalgia Memes for ’90s Babies that are All That and a Bag of Potato Chips

Millennials gonna millennial. Gen z and gen alpha are all, «Oh millennials are so mid. Cringe, cringe, cringe.» You know what? Loser, loser, double loser, whatever, as if, get the picture, DUH. We rule the school, and that takes a quite literal meaning now since many of use became professional educators when we grew up… …
Seguir leyendo ‘Awww, here it goes:’ 20+ Nostalgic Nostalgia Memes for ’90s Babies that are All That and a Bag of Potato Chips

20+ Funny Nostalgic Nostalgia Memes for ’90s and Early Oughts Memellenials

Remember, guys? The ’90s and early 2000s?? What a time to be alive. Like, all us millennials are definitely nostalgic about it and love to reminisce but also, man, was it messed up. 2001??? Like. Come on. But let’s not dwell on the negatives. Let’s remember watching Robot Chicken on Nick at Nite. Let’s remember …
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30+ Nostalgia Memes for Millennials in Need of a Brain Blast from the Past

Hello mother, hello father, these ticks memesquitos, really bother. Thanks for the package, that’s why I’m writing. Memebase memes really stops all the biting! Only millennials will get that sick lyrics I just quoted, and you’re all welcome for that epic blast from the past. Why aren’t there more commercials with singing puppies? Millennials have …
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Some Bomb-Dot-Com Memes for Millennials in Need of All That and a Bag of Nostalgia

«Scrollin’ with my homies (sippin’ we meme all night, yeah). Sippin’ on memes all night (I got us on the way in the CBT, and it’s alright). Meme all night. Scrollin’ with my homies (sippin’ memes all night, yeah). Scrollin’ on memes all night (I got us on the way in the CBT, and it’s …
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70s Memes For Real 70s Kids Who Lived Through The 1970s

It’s hard to believe that 1973 was 50 years ago. As somebody who was not alive during the 70s, that feels unbelievable. Like many Millennials and Gen Zers, I use the year 2000 as a jumping-off point for assuming how long ago a decade was. For instance, the 70s were 30 years ago, the 50s …
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Meme-lennials: A ’90s Disney Thermos Full of Nostalgic Memes for Millennials in Need of Warm Nostalgic Satisfaction (July 27,2023)

Sometimes you just need to laugh like you did when you were young again. Like when you were little little with no sponserbilities and no worries. You just needed a plastic toy screw driver in your pocket and you could do anything. Or you just needed to be adopted by a sweet old lady and …
Seguir leyendo Meme-lennials: A ’90s Disney Thermos Full of Nostalgic Memes for Millennials in Need of Warm Nostalgic Satisfaction (July 27,2023)

20 Gracious Grandma Memes for Folks Who Love Their Family

There’s nothing sweeter than a gracious grandma. They’re there to talk to you, comfort you, cook for you, and love you. While they weren’t always the most exciting trips, visiting grandma as a kid was always a treat. While your parents are responsible for raising you, grandmas are responsible for treating you. Great gifts, copious …
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