‘Tell them to train the dog’: Karen neighbor blames barking dog on neighbor’s cats sitting in the window

It’s important to have a good relationship with your neighbors because you never know when you may need them. You might be making a blueberry pie and need a cup of sugar and all the grocery stores in your neighborhood are closed for some reason. You might get locked out of your house with no phone and need a friendly door to …
Seguir leyendo ‘Tell them to train the dog’: Karen neighbor blames barking dog on neighbor’s cats sitting in the window

‘You should never get children pets’: 20+ unpopular opinions about pet ownership

There is no getting around the fact that having an animal or several is a commitment. It might not be quite the same level as having a baby (most of the time), but it still means that you have a living thing depending on you for its every want or need. Of course, us animal …
Seguir leyendo ‘You should never get children pets’: 20+ unpopular opinions about pet ownership

‘I will take a child over a literal animal in a food establishment any day’: Childless millennial sparks controversy praising kid free, dog friendly pub

We’ve all heard the sage advice to never work with children or animals, but what about spending our leisure time around them? Nothing riles up a significant minority of the happily petless and/or childless like having to share an environment with either against their will. This has led many hospitality establishments to make the inclusion …
Seguir leyendo ‘I will take a child over a literal animal in a food establishment any day’: Childless millennial sparks controversy praising kid free, dog friendly pub

‘I can’t work past 4pm anymore’: Most Entertaining Ways Pets Condition Their Owners

Our pets have such a big effect on our lives. My cat has undoubtedly left her paw print on my daily routine in countless ways. One amusing example would be that at 6 am sharp I am up and about, ready to make my critter breakfast. If I am late, she will unabashedly let me …
Seguir leyendo ‘I can’t work past 4pm anymore’: Most Entertaining Ways Pets Condition Their Owners

‘You took my dog’: Two years after taking a stray dog in, dog owner faces a woman who claims to be the original owner

How long does it take for an adopted pet to start feeling like a family member? Is there always this big moment in which you look at this little creature you took in and think to yourself – «Yep, this is their forever home»? I remember the first night after I rescued my cat. She …
Seguir leyendo ‘You took my dog’: Two years after taking a stray dog in, dog owner faces a woman who claims to be the original owner

‘He had put the puppy in a plastic bag’: 10-year-old steals puppy from his aunt, has a tantrum when she won’t give it to him

Not all kids are ready to be pet owners. Even though moms and dads are usually the ones who end up taking the most care of the family animals, it’s important to make sure your kid is mature and safe enough to have a big pet before you get one. Before getting a dog or …
Seguir leyendo ‘He had put the puppy in a plastic bag’: 10-year-old steals puppy from his aunt, has a tantrum when she won’t give it to him

Toxic Management Puts Employee on a «Wall of Shame» For Calling Out After Her Dog Died

It can be hard to get sympathy in the workplace after a pet dies. I experienced this firsthand when I worked at, of all places, a dog bakery. After an entire summer of covering my coworker’s shifts anytime they wanted to go to a concert or go on vacation, I begged for somebody to take …
Seguir leyendo Toxic Management Puts Employee on a «Wall of Shame» For Calling Out After Her Dog Died

34 Dog Memes for Good Boys and Those Who Love Them (November 16, 2023)

Having a dog is like having a kid who’s also your best friend who’s also a much better person than you, even though they’re not a person. Dogs have a generosity of spirit that’s hard to replicate as a flawed human. They have love to give to everyone, no matter who. Well, except for the …
Seguir leyendo 34 Dog Memes for Good Boys and Those Who Love Them (November 16, 2023)

30+ Wholesome Dog Memes for Canine Enthusiasts (October 5, 2023)

The other day I witnessed something truly heartwarming. As I was walking up the street, an enormous dog on a mission sprinted past me, leash flowing behind him like a tie caught in the wind. Confused, I looked around for the dog’s owner and I noticed that everyone in the vicinity seemed to be doing …
Seguir leyendo 30+ Wholesome Dog Memes for Canine Enthusiasts (October 5, 2023)

Cat Owners Share the Spicy (Yet Wholesome) Things They’ll Tell Their Cat if They Could Speak Kitty Language

Every hooman wishes they could talk to their pet. Although in our lonely moments, most of us talk to our cats and dogs anyways, our pets have pretty much no idea what we’re talking about and blissfully stare into space until they hear their name or the word ‘treat’. But cat owners, what if our …
Seguir leyendo Cat Owners Share the Spicy (Yet Wholesome) Things They’ll Tell Their Cat if They Could Speak Kitty Language