Funniest Broke Memes for People Barely Rubbing Two Pennies Together

The annual inflation rate in the year 2022 has been the highest since pretty much ever. So if by the end of the year, you don’t get an 8% raise, you’re actually losing money– Nice.    Broke-ness is scouring the nation and there’s nothing you can do about it. So if you have been surviving …
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Frustrated People Explain How Being Poor is Actually Prohibitively Expensive

Breaking news: Being poor is expensive. The less money you have, the more a person is punished for it, it seems. Redditor u/Paratrooperkid made a post prompting r/antiwork members to explain how being poor is, in fact, expensive so they could relay the best points to their rich friends.The resulting thread is full of relatable …
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DoorDash Driver Splits Opinion After Allegedly Revealing How Easy It Is To Steal Orders

There are few worse things to go through than struggling financially. When you’re flat broke, it becomes glaringly apparent how much of the world revolves around having money for even the most basic of amenities. For some people, getting by involves doing things that they might not be so proud of. This was something that …
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Frustrated People Explain How Being Poor is Actually Really Expensive

Breaking news: Being poor is expensive. The less money you have, the more a person is punished for it, it seems. Redditor u/Paratrooperkid made a post prompting r/antiwork members to explain how being poor is, in fact, expensive so they could relay the best points to their rich friends.The resulting thread is full of relatable …
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People Explain How Being Poor is Actually Really Expensive

Being poor is expensive. The less money you have, the more you’re punished for it, it seems. Redditor u/Paratrooperkid made a post prompting r/antiwork to explain how being poor is actually expensive so they could relay the best points to their rich friends.The resulting thread is full of relatable examples, like overdraft fees, living in …
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Sobering Thread Reminds Us That Being Poor Is Damn Expensive

To state the obvious, it’s no fun being poor. Living life while struggling to cover all its necessities takes its toll on anyone, and the worst part is that it can come with a load of extra hidden costs. This has recently been highlighted in detail on r/antiwork after u/Paratrooperkid asked Redditors for examples of …
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People Discuss What’s Considered ‘Trashy’ if Someone’s Poor, but ‘Classy’ if They’re Rich

We’re not always aware of our own internalized double standards, but that doesn’t mean they’re not there. The way we perceive others is shaped by our learned prejudices whether we like it or not, and society tends to harshly judge its people based on how much money they have. In 2016, @AnaSamways asked Twitter, ‘What’s …
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15 Sadly Relatable Memes For Broke People

We’ve all been broke before – some of us more often than others. Life is rough when your job pays you practically nothing, and hey, you gotta just spend some money and live your life sometimes!  Check out more sadly relatable broke memes here!

20 Memes And Tweets For Broke People

Man, the universe just really wants us Millennials to be poor for the rest of our lives, doesn’t it? We were already poor AF as is, but now we’re about to get a global Great Recession thrown in there too! At least we can all struggle together? Have some more memes for sad Millennials while …
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