Funniest Relatable Memes for Broke Folks Who 100% Believe That Money Can Buy Happiness

Reminder: Don’t forget to pay your rent this month! For anyone here who’s thinking, «Screw it, I’m just not going to pay it», power to you. Although it’s a standard responsibility of most adults (to pay for the place you live) sometimes it just feels like a big ol’ drain for your cashflow every month. …
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An Entire Treasure Chest of Money Memes for Broke Folks Who Are Always Waiting for That Direct Deposit To Hit

You know financials are getting tight when you take a second look at the «wet floor» sign at Walmart, wondering how easy it would be to sue a multimillion-dollar corporation if you were to slip, fall, and break your back. In fact, if you just read that last sentence and you’re wondering how you haven’t …
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Funniest Broke Memes for Poor Folks Who Would Rather Spend Their Savings on Treating Themselves vs. Paying Their Bills

It’s funny how spending money can be both cathartic and also insanely stressful at the same time. For anyone who’s ever been broke before, the dichotomy is a delicate balance that almost nobody has mastered. When it’s payday, your high-spending alter ego somehow takes the reins of your waking brain, spending all of the money …
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Funniest Broke Memes for Christmas Lovers Whose Friends Are Getting Coal This Year

As a kid, Christmas is a time where it seems like every adult in the world has infinite money to buy you things that you’ll play with one time then get bored of. The tree is bursting with gifts and it’s hard to choose which one to open first. As an adult, that dream is …
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People Who Dated Rich Explain the Eye-opening Things They Learned

It’s no secret that the ultra-wealthy basically live in an alternate universe to the rest of us. When you have never had to worry about your next paycheck or indeed have one at all, it creates a whole different mindset to the billions of others you share this planet with. It means that many are …
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Funniest Broke Memes for Can’t Seem to Stop Spending Money Treating Themselves

For some reason, people think that adulting means that when you make money, you’ve earned the right to spend it. While that may be partially true, does that mean that since you worked, you get to blow all your earnings on fun things? You know what? Forget rent, I need those new shoes. Forget the …
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Funniest Broke Memes for People Who’s Credit Card Gets Declined for Instant Noodles (October 7, 2022)

If you’ve ever asked for an advance on your paycheck in order to pay rent on the 1st of the month. You get it. If you’ve ever had to dig through the couch to find an extra quarter for laundry. You get it. If you’ve ever watched your ‘check engine’ light stay on for months …
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Funniest Broke Memes for People Barely Rubbing Two Pennies Together

The annual inflation rate in the year 2022 has been the highest since pretty much ever. So if by the end of the year, you don’t get an 8% raise, you’re actually losing money– Nice.    Broke-ness is scouring the nation and there’s nothing you can do about it. So if you have been surviving …
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