30 Music Memes for Pumping up the Jam

If you start thinking of your life as a movie, then you can make some interesting choices about the soundtrack. A regular commute to work becomes an epic journey of the self when set to Led Zeppelin’s IV. A melancholy night in the apartment becomes artful and meaningful set to Elliot Smith. Walking the dog becomes an ad for …
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‘The experience of boredom’: Gen X and older reveal x things about the 80s that pop culture forgets

Living through a period of time and looking back at it are two very different things. History is often told by unreliable narrators, even when those who experienced it are still alive. This is especially true when things become glamorized for Hollywood or the mainstream media. Most of the time, entertainment is going to triumph …
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‘The experience of boredom’: Gen X and older reveal 20 things about the 80s that pop culture forgets

Living through a period of time and looking back at it are two very different things. History is often told by unreliable narrators, even when those who experienced it are still alive. This is especially true when things become glamorized for Hollywood or the mainstream media. Most of the time, entertainment is going to triumph …
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35+ of the Freshest and Funniest Tweets of the Week (April 6, 2024)

Twitter is a friend to some and an enemy to many. It used to be a hullabaloo of fun and friendship and celebrity gossip, and now it seems to be the epicenter of all annoying internet takes. I was talking to a friend recently about people who you can tell are online vs. people who …
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45 of the Freshest and Funniest Tweets of the Week (March 2, 2024)

Twitter had been running amok recently. From the Willy Wonka experience disaster to everyone speculating where Kate Middleton is… Tweeters are having a field day and we’re back to peak internet irreverence. I love times like that when we can all gather around silly stories that don’t have much real-world implication and just riff.  Good …
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29 Memes That Take You on a Loop-De-Loop of Laughter

Theme parks are a staple of childhood summers, at least for me. I remember rocking up to Six Flags with my little middle schooler friends, going straight to the craziest one and riding until we felt nauseous, and then getting corn dogs at Johnny Rockets. But that was on special occasions. Our regular, down-home carnival …
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The Wildest Unpopular Opinions of the Week (February 11, 2024)

Unpopular opinions: everybody has them, but some people are better at gauging whether their opinions are actually unpopular than others. Let’s play a little game; I’ll share one of my unpopular opinions, and you get to tell me whether it’s actually unpopular or not! Here we go: I don’t think going to therapy inherently makes …
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29 Fascinating Posts From the Underbelly of Wikipedia

As I’ve said here before, if I could only keep one website on the internet, it would be Wikipedia. In fact, maybe I’d be okay with wiping the internet and starting over with just Wikipedia. No more social media, no more harmful content, just a wholesome fountain of information that never has ads and is …
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35+ That Won’t Tear You Asunder

Remember when a while ago kids on TikTok discovered Kate Bush and thrust her onto the charts again? I guess it had something to do with Stranger Things. That was a weird time, but better late than never to the Kate Bush train. Running Up That Hill is an iconic song, and happens to be the …
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