Bridezilla Forbids Her Pregnant Maid of Honor From Being Photographed at Her Wedding

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from Reddit’s AITA posts, it’s that it doesn’t take a lot to make a lot of brides angry. The biggest taboos regarding weddings are actions that allegedly distract or take away from the bride. The two biggest wedding faux pas are wearing the wrong color dress (especially white) and …
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Woman Stuns Internet With Pregnancy Reveal in Sonography Class

I’m not a huge user of Facebook, and when I do go on it the algorithm goes into a frenzy trying to figure out how to capture my attention. Sometimes, I can’t scroll through the feed without being confronted with the obnoxious wackiness 5-Minute Crafts videos, then the next week it’ll all be cute animal …
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‘I accidentally named my son Bill Clinton’: Parents Reveal Why They Regret the Names They Gave Their Kids

Naming kids is actually a huge responsibility when you really think to about it. Sure, it’s just a name, it’s not going to affect their personality, temperament, or health. But it does affect them in other ways for sure. You can do your best to think of a name that ‘suits’ them but if you …
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Twitter Users Mesmerized by Ridiculously Complex Gender Reveal

Gender reveal parties are a divisive topic. While there are a surprisingly large amount of expecting couples out there who believe that they offer a cute accompaniment to their baby shower, there are numerous criticisms made by others that range from gender essentialism to the fact that some of the more flamboyant ones have risked …
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Awkward Surrogate «Maternity» Photoshoot Gets Roasted

For some people, the instinct to have kids comes almost as naturally as breathing. However, not all of those people will be allowed to have children as easily as others. Biology can be a b*tch for those trying to start a family, but so long as you’ve got the money to throw at it, most …
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Woman Gets Praised For Measured Explanation About Why She Doesn’t Want Kids

I hit an uncomfortable aging milestone a couple of months ago: I got my first «when are we getting grandkids?» from a family member. As a single, tiny apartment-dwelling woman with only slightly more financial stability than your average crypto trader, this struck me as a perplexing issue to raise at this point in my …
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German Burger King Creates Pregnancy Craving Menu, Confuses The Hell Out Of Twitter

Out of all the most famous European countries, Germany is probably one of the least known for its cuisine. Those who do investigate it will often get as far as the concept of currywurst and either decide that it is the best invention ever created or that this was quite enough culinary exploration for one …
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Sobering Thread Reveals How Insurance Companies Punish Parents Who Are Expecting Twins

We all know that the healthcare system in the United States needs a lot of work. There are so many people without coverage, and the people who do have it are constantly getting screwed over by their providers. Hidden fees, expensive and unnecessary testing, and high deductibles plague people who just want to have a …
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Woman Goes To Maternity Ward, Realizes She’s There With Her Ex And His Wife

Even at the best of times, pregnancy is a difficult thing to go through. Even if it’s to be expected, enduring the most radical bodily changes you’ve ever experienced is bad enough. Receiving a blast from the past at the same time, however, takes it to a whole new level. This was the case for …
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People Raise Eyebrows At TikToker’s Trauma Sharing

Many of us out there have had storied careers on social media, and this usually means that we’ve indulged in some form of oversharing now and then. Heaven knows what doomed evolutionary compulsion makes us want to give intimate and sometimes painful details of our lives to people on the internet, but it’s a very …
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