‘There is no reason for me to stay’: College graduate moves back in with her parents to save money, only for them to demand she pay rent and do all the housework

Living with your parents well after you graduate from college has become a consensus among young adults. Since a college degree is, more often than not, no longer enough to grant a graduate their first actual job, it is extremely difficult for young adults to be able to afford rent, so they end up going …
Seguir leyendo ‘There is no reason for me to stay’: College graduate moves back in with her parents to save money, only for them to demand she pay rent and do all the housework

‘They want her to pay $45,000 [for repairs]’: Clueless renter facing exorbitant repair fees after destroying the apartment with 1 can of chicken soup

When I went through high school, we didn’t have Home Economics as a required class. Apparently, kitchen etiquette, doing your taxes, and keeping the house under control weren’t things that the public school system still valued, so lo-and-behold, an entire generation went without baking cakes for a final grade. However, the Gen X woman in …
Seguir leyendo ‘They want her to pay $45,000 [for repairs]’: Clueless renter facing exorbitant repair fees after destroying the apartment with 1 can of chicken soup

Worker complains about living paycheck to paycheck, despite making $80K per year and paying $1175 a month in rent: ‘This is extremely affordable living’

Everyone has a different definition of «living paycheck to paycheck.» If you’ve never lived in actual poverty, you have no idea how resourceful you have to be to stretch less than $100 over two weeks and how stressful it is to live like that. Even if your situation isn’t that dismal, you might not be …
Seguir leyendo Worker complains about living paycheck to paycheck, despite making $80K per year and paying $1175 a month in rent: ‘This is extremely affordable living’

Parents charge 16-year-old $300 in rent, retaliate when he asserts his independence: ‘They’re trying to have it both ways’

Living at home can be a blessing and a curse. You get to be close to your family and receive their support, but it usually comes at a price (like micromanaging, or struggling with independence). Defining one’s relationship with their parents as one gets older is a tough terrain to navigate. Parents sometimes have difficulty …
Seguir leyendo Parents charge 16-year-old $300 in rent, retaliate when he asserts his independence: ‘They’re trying to have it both ways’

‘Good luck with that’: Parents try grounding adult son who’s been paying rent since he was 16

I have a bone to pick. Maybe this is because most of my life, I’ve been a freeloader who hasn’t had to pay my own rent (shoutout to 17 years of being a child), but I don’t understand when parents charge their children rent. If a person is under 18, there is no world where …
Seguir leyendo ‘Good luck with that’: Parents try grounding adult son who’s been paying rent since he was 16

Woman Sacrifices Her Daughter’s College Fund After Her Other Kid Gave Birth to Her 4th Child, Leading to Discussion on Parenting

One woman made an enemy of her kid after she decided to liquidate her college fund in favor of her other daughter’s finances. Let’s call the children Anna and Maxine. Anna, a 24-year-old woman, gave birth to her 4th child, despite not actually being able to afford the first 4. It was well within her …
Seguir leyendo Woman Sacrifices Her Daughter’s College Fund After Her Other Kid Gave Birth to Her 4th Child, Leading to Discussion on Parenting

Dad forces 18-year-old son to pay rent or get out, allows 22 year old unemployed son to live with him rent free: ‘I’m getting punished for my brothers actions’

If I’ve learned anything from my extended family, it’s that you should not let your adult son live in your house rent-free for years with no job and no prospects. When I was a kid, teenager, and college student, one of my biggest fears was that I would never be able to get a job, …
Seguir leyendo Dad forces 18-year-old son to pay rent or get out, allows 22 year old unemployed son to live with him rent free: ‘I’m getting punished for my brothers actions’

31 Renter Memes That Give Experienced Tenants the Landlord Special

Landlords are easily the bad guys in everyone’s fairytale. Raising the rent by 20% after fulfilling their basic duties as a homeowner (ie: painting over the moths on the walls and the baseboards) has given landlords a false sense of prowess and power. They feel invincible like they can get away with anything.  Tangled in …
Seguir leyendo 31 Renter Memes That Give Experienced Tenants the Landlord Special

‘You pay rent, so it is your space’: Careless parents let baby nephew make a mess in adult daughter’s room while she’s away

I wouldn’t call myself a neat freak, but I do like my space the way I like it. I always put my clothes away if they’re out, and I need my items to be in a specific place before I can rest. If someone stays over at my place, I welcome them as a friend, …
Seguir leyendo ‘You pay rent, so it is your space’: Careless parents let baby nephew make a mess in adult daughter’s room while she’s away

‘He should pay it all’: Renters debate how couple making $180K and $40K respectively should split their rent

As a brand new New Yorker, I often think about the circumstances under which I would be able to live «on my own.» Even if I suddenly came into a large amount of money, I probably wouldn’t be financially savvy to live alone unless I won the lottery. The best idea I’ve come up with …
Seguir leyendo ‘He should pay it all’: Renters debate how couple making $180K and $40K respectively should split their rent