31 Introvert Memes for Unbothered Loners Bitten by the Antisocial Bug

Days are getting colder and the nights are getting longer– which can mean only one thing. The antisocial bug has come out of hibernation and it’s sweeping the nation, filling introverted folks with the unbreakable desire to spend time at home alone in their pajamas! Anyone bitten by the antisocial bug is prone to dizzying …
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32 People Avoidance Tactics That Every Introverted Coworker Can Get Behind

When an introvert gets promoted to a managerial position, it’s a bittersweet moment. While they’ll be taking home a little more money, they’re also sacrificing their ability to completely avoid every single coworker at the office. As an introvert, it pays to fly under the radar, but as a manager, you’re front and center in …
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Introvert Memes for Grateful Loners Happy to Stay in Their Lane (December 8, 2023)

Just because we’re introverts doesn’t mean that we’re boring and don’t like to do things. In fact, introverts are usually the most interesting person in the room, it’s just that our voice gets thin when people ask what we like to do for fun, we feel a fluttering sensation in our stomachs when there’s too …
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27 Chummy Group Chat Memes That Won’t Trigger 10,000 Notifications on Your Phone

If you have even the tiniest molecule of introversion in your soul, being in a group chat is a nightmare. We all love talking to our friends 1-on-1, but who has the energy to speed-type messages to your 8 closest friends, attempting to send off your joke before the subject changes. The stress is unmatched.  …
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34 Introvert Memes for Grateful Loners Happy to Stay in Their Lane (December 1, 2023)

Introverts who are also dog owners are faced with a few unique challenges. While your pet may be inherently social, garnishing wholesome looks from the people all around you for being so gosh-darn cute, their goofy faces also invite strangers to approach you asking, ‘Can I pet him?’ As a neurotypical person, this social interaction …
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‘People who call instead of text’: 30 Introverts call out the greatest grievances they have with extroverts

To introverts, it seems like everyone around them just wants to hear themselves talk. As born-again listeners, most introverts have honed the skill of knowing when conversation is required and when it’s not, which is a commonly misunderstood skill. While your parents think you’re antisocial at the dinner table and your friends think you’re in …
Seguir leyendo ‘People who call instead of text’: 30 Introverts call out the greatest grievances they have with extroverts

31 Introvirtuous Memes for Introverts Who Accidentally Find Themselves in Leadership Roles

Being outgoing comes naturally to some people. Folks who are blessed with innate cheerfulness, magnetic personalities, and a strong presence often find themselves stumbling into leadership roles at work, school, or in their family structure. But what happens when an introvert gets looped into a leadership role?  Do introverts crumble under the pressure of every …
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33 Introvert Memes for Grateful Loners Happy to Stay in Their Lane (November 25, 2023)

I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed, but introverts hate being on the phone. One phone call or Facetime request is enough to get completely blacklisted for life from an introvert’s contact list– and that’s if they’re feeling kind. The only time an introvert’s phone should ring is when spam calls are coming in or …
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‘Introverts actually love talking’: Woman cracks the code on befriending an introvert, wholesomely exposing the real reason introverts are ‘quiet’

Have you ever said to an introvert, ‘why are you so quiet?’ or ‘don’t you ever talk?’ And they probably blushed a little, said some snarky comment, and avoided eye contact with you for the rest of the night. Any introvert could tell you exactly what went wrong here, yet, the general populous still struggles …
Seguir leyendo ‘Introverts actually love talking’: Woman cracks the code on befriending an introvert, wholesomely exposing the real reason introverts are ‘quiet’

30 Introvert Memes for Grateful Loners Happy to Stay in Their Lane (November 17, 2023)

I remember the first moment I realized I was an introvert. As a fresh faced 22 year old, I was out at the bars chugging cheap, watery beers, waiting in long bathroom lines, and continuously shouting ‘WHAT?’ over the cacophony of voices struggling to fight off the loud music. It was that night when I got home that …
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