‘Trillionaires coming into existence’: 20+ Predictions for the next 50 years that will 100% happen

Nobody has a crystal ball, but we can all dream. It’s so fun to think about what might come to pass in the next couple of decades. Personally, I’m hoping for a dream recording machine. I feel like we can’t be that far away from it, what with AI image generation and all. We just …
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‘He’s living the dream’: Corporate tech bro gets kudos for quitting 22-year career, becoming goose farmer

I challenge you to find a person who is part of the so-called rat race who doesn’t dream of giving it all up and then chilling in splendid isolation for the rest of their lives. Sure, there are a few true workaholics who would never entertain the thought, but they aren’t as common as you …
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’45 year mortgages’: 20+ Wild predictions for the future that sound pretty plausible

Nobody has a crystal ball (except maybe the creators of The Simpsons). But it sure is fun to make guesses about what might come to pass. I remember doing that a lot when I was graduating high school- trying to guess what would become of myself and my classmates. Would Josh grow up to be …
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Job posting demands 10 years experience using Generative AI, despite ChatGPT coming out less than 2 years ago: ‘Ideal candidate will have good time-travelling skills’

It’s a truth universally acknowledged that job applications often ask for more than they need. They want to appeal to smart, qualified candidates and do so by setting their expectations to the moon and hoping that someone who is realistically qualified still applies despite the requests for years and years of experience. I don’t like …
Seguir leyendo Job posting demands 10 years experience using Generative AI, despite ChatGPT coming out less than 2 years ago: ‘Ideal candidate will have good time-travelling skills’

29-year-old tech worker making $400K annually working 20 hours a week complains about being bored: ‘If he quits, good luck finding half that amount’

So many rich people are clueless about how good they have it. From the way richies talk online, anyone making less than $100K a year must be slumming in extreme poverty that can never be rectified. I understand that living «comfortably» differs amongst classes, but anyone saying that making $300,000 a year in NYC is …
Seguir leyendo 29-year-old tech worker making $400K annually working 20 hours a week complains about being bored: ‘If he quits, good luck finding half that amount’

‘You’re an idiot…It’s no wonder you did not finish college’: Recruiter berates interviewee for not showing up to interview he scheduled incorrectly

There are all kinds of recruiters in the world. You might have a call with a recruiter that will lead to an incredibly meaningful professional relationship, even if you don’t get the job. There are many more recruiters that will be so unmemorable you won’t recall their names a week after talking to them for …
Seguir leyendo ‘You’re an idiot…It’s no wonder you did not finish college’: Recruiter berates interviewee for not showing up to interview he scheduled incorrectly

‘Definitely asking for trouble’: Guy ‘works from home’ on VR headset on NYC subway, New Yorkers threaten to rob him

New technology is so goofy. Remember when AirPods first came out and everyone was clowning them for looking, well, stupid? Now everybody wears them, and nobody bats an eye. That was only a couple of years ago. In this instance, though, I sincerely hope that this doesn’t become normal. Not to sound like a boomer …
Seguir leyendo ‘Definitely asking for trouble’: Guy ‘works from home’ on VR headset on NYC subway, New Yorkers threaten to rob him

Weekly Internet Roundup: Tech Layoff Clapbacks, Orange Peel Theory, and King Charles vs. Trisha Paytas

Another normal few days online.

Manager Scolds a Tech Support Guy After He’s Found Fixing a Personal Laptop at Work, Gets Humiliated After Learning it’s the CEO’s Computer

In the corporate world, there’s always a hierarchy. As the lowly pleebs that waltz through the front door every morning clocking 40+ hours every week, it’s safe to say that we don’t have too much clout in the corporate ranking system. Unless you’re a good-haired CEO with shiny shoes and an entire team devoted to …
Seguir leyendo Manager Scolds a Tech Support Guy After He’s Found Fixing a Personal Laptop at Work, Gets Humiliated After Learning it’s the CEO’s Computer

Snarky iPhone Memes With a Charger Sold Separately

Apple really did a good job of getting every upper-class nincompoop on the hook to buy the latest iPhone. By singling out Android users, they managed to make it completely uncool to NOT have an iPhone. They weaponized FOMO in order to sell more phones– and it worked! God forbid you’re ever the loser in …
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