‘We’ve been dating since you were 1’: Boy mom influencer horrifies with mother-son ‘date night’ proposal

Mothers of sons can have it hard. They’ve got to raise a boy in a world where it can sometimes seem like the default expectation for men is to be entitled and selfish at other people’s expense. However, it would be wrong to say that they don’t contribute to this by occasionally cultivating weird relationship …
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‘Cut the umbilical cord already’: Fed up fiancée calls off wedding after overbearing mother-in-law makes excuses to postpone on 4 different occasions

Something that not everybody considers when getting into a relationship is that if it becomes serious, your dynamic with your in-laws can be almost as important as that with your partner. Whether wayward or overbearing, the parents of your beloved can have an outsized influence on how happy you are in your life together.  If …
Seguir leyendo ‘Cut the umbilical cord already’: Fed up fiancée calls off wedding after overbearing mother-in-law makes excuses to postpone on 4 different occasions

‘So you’re telling me 5.5 hours of labor doesn’t burn off a burrito’: Mom logs birth as workout on Strava, entertains internet

The category of ‘crazy things the human body can do’ has many entries to it, but few beat the sheer exertion that comes from being pregnant and giving birth. Growing a whole person and somehow popping it out of you is not a choice to be made by the weak, but millions per year put …
Seguir leyendo ‘So you’re telling me 5.5 hours of labor doesn’t burn off a burrito’: Mom logs birth as workout on Strava, entertains internet

‘The real question is, are meetings important?’: Internet applauds savvy employee who avoids all meetings by being good at his job

I don’t think there’s a single corporate employee on God’s green earth who hasn’t sat in a meeting and thought about the many more useful and/or entertaining things they could be doing right now. While it’s true that bringing people together in this way is an occasionally essential part of the working process, the mantra …
Seguir leyendo ‘The real question is, are meetings important?’: Internet applauds savvy employee who avoids all meetings by being good at his job

‘Most people I’ve known peaked somewhere between 25 and 30’: Youngsters debate whether your 20s or 30s are your true prime

Ever since I was a teenager, I’ve been afraid of «peaking.» The idea of reaching a point where you feel like «everything’s downhill from here» was and still is terrifying. I remember being in the car with my high school girlfriend’s dad, and we talked about peaking in high school. I mentioned not wanting to …
Seguir leyendo ‘Most people I’ve known peaked somewhere between 25 and 30’: Youngsters debate whether your 20s or 30s are your true prime

‘New rule, never trust how you feel about your life past 9PM’: 20+ invaluable pieces of wisdom according to the internet

I am absolutely terrible at taking other people’s advice, but I like to think I’m mature enough to realize that this isn’t always a good thing. We all have a lot to learn from the minds of others, but it heavily depends on how it’s packaged. Sometimes, part of the reason that we can be …
Seguir leyendo ‘New rule, never trust how you feel about your life past 9PM’: 20+ invaluable pieces of wisdom according to the internet

‘I’d stay at the door and start eating’: Entitled takeout customers split opinion with excessive no contact delivery signage

We live in the age of ultimate convenience, something that most of us are different degrees of grateful for. Unfortunately, it can feel like more people lie on the more entitled end of the scale than the other way around. While it may be annoying to have a courier mess up your order or not …
Seguir leyendo ‘I’d stay at the door and start eating’: Entitled takeout customers split opinion with excessive no contact delivery signage

‘5 pounds of spaghetti compressed into one mouth-sized bar’: 25+ of the funniest food and drink items from ‘The Simpsons’

As the show that was at one point the defining satire of contemporary American culture, it’s kind of inevitable that many of the gags on The Simpsons revolve around food. We all know that a solid 40% of Homer’s personality is donuts and beer, but that’s only the tip of the iceberg when it comes …
Seguir leyendo ‘5 pounds of spaghetti compressed into one mouth-sized bar’: 25+ of the funniest food and drink items from ‘The Simpsons’

‘Paying $10k to go through a regular day of football practice’: Alpha male bootcamp gets clowned on by Twitter

Men’s mental health is one of those annoying issues where it’s obvious that society has a big problem with it, but very few seem to know how to solve it. These days it is usually more frowned upon to tell a dude to ‘man up’ if he’s expressing vulnerable emotions, but in some ways, it …
Seguir leyendo ‘Paying $10k to go through a regular day of football practice’: Alpha male bootcamp gets clowned on by Twitter

‘SHOES ON THE FREAKING BED’: 20+ Non-Americans reveal what weirds them out about people from the USA

Many around the world would agree that the USA is a special place, but the reasons for that would differ wildly. To many Americans, it’s nothing short of the greatest place on Earth, but to those outside of the 50 states, it can be a very different scenario. No country is perfect, but thanks to …
Seguir leyendo ‘SHOES ON THE FREAKING BED’: 20+ Non-Americans reveal what weirds them out about people from the USA