20+ Best Inspiring Therapy Memes/Tweets of the Week for the Dramatic Crowd (February 14, 2023)

Bah, Valentine’s day. Gross. Good thing my therapist is free today, otherwise, I’d be on my way to a bridge. I’m kidding, for the record. But passing the supermarket aisle with all that lovey-dovey stuff does kinda make me wanna gag. Let’s zoom in for a moment on therapy — it’s one of the few …
Seguir leyendo 20+ Best Inspiring Therapy Memes/Tweets of the Week for the Dramatic Crowd (February 14, 2023)

‘Am I the Drama?’ : 20+ Best Inspiring Therapy Memes of the Week for the Dramatic Crowd (February 8, 2023)

Unrelated — but it’s freezing outside. Sorry, had to get it out there, I like to complain. How is it already February? Time is flying faster than a cheetah chasing after prey. I may or may not be sorely lacking in serotonin, but hey, that’s what therapy is for, right? Nowadays it’s a huge green …
Seguir leyendo ‘Am I the Drama?’ : 20+ Best Inspiring Therapy Memes of the Week for the Dramatic Crowd (February 8, 2023)

25 Funniest Classical Art Memes Of The Week (January 30, 2023)

Thanks to memes, classical art has become more exposed to the general population, rather than sitting in a museum. Old paintings have become ever so relevant again, and it is in large thanks to internet culture. Memes add that cheeky modern twist that may have been missing before (yo, art majors, don’t come at us, …
Seguir leyendo 25 Funniest Classical Art Memes Of The Week (January 30, 2023)

‘Am I the Drama?’ : 25+ Funniest Inspiring Therapy Memes of the Week for the Dramatic Crowd

Can we get a raise of hands from those who are also desperately trying to stick fast to their new year’s resolutions? It’s like our memory goes perpetually out the window every time we try to accomplish our yearly goals. Exhibit A: We swore we’d become one of those people who get up early and …
Seguir leyendo ‘Am I the Drama?’ : 25+ Funniest Inspiring Therapy Memes of the Week for the Dramatic Crowd

‘Am I the Drama?’ : 27 Funniest Inspiring Therapy Memes of the Week for the Dramatic Crowd

Hey ho, new year, new me… Who else is trying desperately to stick fast to their new year’s resolutions? Our memory fails to remind us that this is how it goes. Each year is the same — we swear that it’s gonna be different, that we’re gonna run more, drink less, work harder, move to …
Seguir leyendo ‘Am I the Drama?’ : 27 Funniest Inspiring Therapy Memes of the Week for the Dramatic Crowd