Grandmother scolds mom for not buying her 8-year-old son a new iPad after he punched and broke his: ‘It’s unfair younger son has a tablet and older son doesn’t’

All actions have consequences, and unless parents are willing to let those consequences stand, their kids will have difficulty transitioning into adult life. A famous line of parents everywhere is «Money doesn’t grow on trees,» and they’re absolutely correct about that. Money only grows if you put it into a very specific type of investment account, but that explanation is not the best for 8-year-olds. That age group understands consequences if they can get them, and even if your family is well off, it’s not always the most productive solution to just buy something new when your kid breaks it, especially if it was done deliberately. That’s precisely what happened in this story. An 8-year-old boy broke his tablet by punching it, and his mom refused to get him a new one. When his grandma commented that it wasn’t fair that he didn’t have one, she let her have it. 

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