Memes And Things Suited To Casual Scrolling

While it’s true that we’ve got to a point in society where it kind of feels like the world is ending every other day, existing at this exact moment in human history does have its perks. We’ve never known more about the world, or had this many advances in things like healthcare; most importantly, the privileged among us have more entertainment options than ever before at our fingertips. 

In fact, it can often get pretty overwhelming when the work day is over and we’re trying to choose the appropriate way to unwind. We could go the pious, self-improvement route, by trying to squeeze in a good workout or reading a book. Alternatively, we could flop on the couch and absorb whatever the latest HBO has to offer. 

When it comes down to it, though, we know what we’re most likely to find ourselves doing: listlessly scrolling through our phone, hoping to find a few more good memes.


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